
Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday, Monday

This morning was a good morning! 

(this was Saturday's sunrise)

The weather over the weekend was unbelievable ... 80's, low humidity, puffy clouds.  Perfect weather for working in the yard and getting things accomplished.  The husband and I worked outside all weekend mowing, pruning, weeding, and spraying, and things are beginning to look better.  I'm not anywhere near out of the woods, as far as weeds are concerned, but I'm energized and ready to take 'em on.

Speaking of weeds, look at this one that I found in the rose field.

Yep, it's Lantana ... must be a present from a bird.

Things are already starting to happen in the propagation pots.  The heat has killed quite a few cuttings, but I have other cuttings that already have roots.  Seeing this always gives me a thrill!

'Autumn Sunset'

'Dr. W. Van Fleet'

Over the weekend, I made a list of the last of the roses to take cuttings from this week.  If all goes well, I will have about 125 varieties available next spring ... cross your fingers.

As I was working outside this morning, I issued myself a challenge, and I'm going to tell all of you about it so I can't back out.  

I will have the Rose Field free of weeds, mulched, and presentable by September 1!

  This should be a very realistic goal, if I stick to it and chip away a little each day or so.  I'm making good progress so far, I just have to keep at it.

(Run over to my other blog if you want to see an update on my friend's dog TJ.)

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog.)


  1. Sounds like wonderful weather to work outside. I think chipping away at it each day is the way to go! Good Luck!

  2. This weather is such a welcome reprieve from what we've been experiencing. I'm doing a lot of yard catch-up, too, but nothing as big as what you manage.

  3. You take the best pictures! If the heat becomes unbearable again, we won't hold you to your weed-free date.
    I am tickled to see TJ so happy and doing so well!

  4. How did I not know there was another blog?...

    We had a glorious weather weekend too.. Amen.


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