
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Morning Dew

School is out for the summer now, and mornings here are a little bit more relaxed.  Early this morning, while the Husband and the Grandson were still sleeping, I picked up my camera, slipped on my flip flops, and headed outside.

Madame Jules Bouche

Vintage Visalia

Everything in the garden was covered with a fine layer of dew, and the roses sparkled. 


Dancing Doll

As I got to "Sawyer Plot Tea", I noticed that there are WAY more Japanese Beetles now than there were the other day.

"Sawyer Plot Tea" ... see the little guy hiding in the petals?

"Sawyer Plot Tea" again.  This is going to be a regular sight here for the next few weeks.  Yuck!

I won't think about Beetles right now ... I'll concentrate on all the loveliness in the garden instead.

Rose de Rescht

A leaf on Autumn Damask

Whenever I'm out in the Rose Field, there is always a Mockingbird keeping an eye on me.  This one was doing a really good Carolina Wren impression while I was taking his picture.

It wasn't only roses that caught my eye this morning.  The low angle of the rising sun creates wonderful light and shadow that highlights many things we don't normally notice.

Spider web on an old tree stump

Pretty weeds

Mushroom in the grass

Dew drops on blades of grass

It's no secret that early morning is probably my favorite time of day.  Walking in the garden, usually with coffee and camera in hand, is a wonderful way to spend quiet time reflecting ... and it's such a relaxing way to start the day.

********** Don't Forget to Enter This Month's Giveaway **********

One lucky Hartwood Roses reader will win "Portland from Glendora", the lovely rose shown above.  To enter, leave a comment on last week's Friday Flowers post HERE.  I will draw the winner at 11:00 on Thursday, June 24.  You can't win if you don't enter.

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog.)


  1. Beautiful flowers, beautiful photos and Scott Kelby (the guru of digital photography) would be so proud of you for taking photos of flowers drenched in dew!

    Kat :)

  2. Isn't the morning light just perfect for photography? Evenings aren't too bad either. Great looking shots!


  3. FANTASTIC PHOTOGRAPHY!!! With so much to take pictures of, how ever do you keep from getting all excited and spilling your coffee, while snapping away?

  4. Oh my, your photographs took my breath away! I love roses and you were about to capture them early and they were just glistening, what a beautiful sight! You must have loved being out there so early, I love early mornings!

    Thanks for sharing!~


  5. My stress level went down several notches when I started looking at your exquisite photos. Thank you for sharing your morning walk with us!

  6. Beautiful photos, so nice with all the dew encrusted blossoms. Have you been getting regular rain?

  7. Hmm, trying to figure out your giveaway. I loved your last Fridays post! It was fun to see where your collection started. But I so love todays post. The Roses look magical with the dew on they. I am imagine the quiet thrill of your garden as you moved along visiting your Roses and taking pictures of them.

    Hate, Hate that beetle and hope I never meet him!

  8. Thanks, Everyone. We've been getting thunderstorms a couple of times a week, so things aren't as dry as they could be.

    All readers who have left a comment on last Friday's post are entered to win the rose. No hoops to jump through, just leave a note and let me know you were there.

  9. I love to walk the garden in early morning, camera in hand. You find so much magic in those early hours. Like the dewdrops. I adore the spider's web! It's quite a work of art!

  10. Early morning is the best time, isn't it? such beautiful images, with that sparkling dew... :)

  11. I love your pictures and I really love the roses!!!


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