
Monday, June 21, 2010

The Garden in Our Hearts

Within each of us lies a garden,
You need only look inside,
It lies within our hearts
Where love and hope abide.

Mary Lovett

It's there in all its splendor
Though some eyes cannot see
The beauty there within themselves,
So they choose not to believe.


But the garden's there, I've seen it
Every time I've witnessed love,
Every time a heart has reached out
With compassion from above.
Each and every act of kindness
Acts of giving, sharing, too.

White Cap

All represent a flower
There inside of me and you.
But each garden must be tended
It needs love and special care,
An abundance of pure water
That is only found in prayer.

Princesse de Nassau

For the Master Gardener knows
of every heart of every bloom
And it's His hope and desire
In your garden you've made room,
So that He may tend the flowers
And may pull a weed or two,
For without the Master Gardener
Hearts have flowers, far too few.
- Gina Laurin


The minister read this poem at my friend Jack's funeral on Saturday.  I was so moved by the message, that I decided I had to share it here with you.

Having attended funerals for friends on two successive weekends has hit me pretty hard.  Though I knew each of them for a couple of years, I sincerely wish I had known them better than I did.  I knew I could break away from my daily routine visit them later ... or so I thought.  For Diana and Jack, those laters will never come.

I have decided that I will stop putting things off till later.  I have people I want to visit, places I want to go, and things I want to do ... and I will do them NOW. 

(written by Hartwood Roses.  Hartwood Roses blog.)


  1. A wonderfully touching poem and your photos are always amazing.

  2. ditto!
    loved the pics..
    loved the poem..
    and I , like you,
    will live more in the NOW..
    than waiting until Later!
    warm sandy hugs..

  3. what a lovely blog have I just discovered.
    I love your pics and the poem is marvelous.
    so sad to hear about your two friends passing away and to feel your pain.
    I will be back again soon. Hartwood Roses is definitely a place not to be missed.
    with loving wishes

  4. A lovely poem, I am going to keep this and read it often. It does have a powerful message. The white roses are so meaningful as well as beautiful. Thoughts and prayers for you, dear one.

  5. It's so true, that we need to do things now! I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet up today, but your poem and beautiful flowers make me feel better! Thank you my friend!

    Kat :)

  6. So sorry to hear of the passing of your friends. It is, as you say, a reminder to live our lives fully.

    Lovely poem and beautiful roses.

  7. Lovely words of wisdom. Thank you for sharing.


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