
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Spring is Coming!

As I have been out and about over the past week, I have seen unmistakable signs that spring will soon be here.

I spent three afternoons this month at Hollywood Cemetery, evaluating the roses in preparation for our Rose Volunteer Day on March 10.  The roses are still sleeping, but there are other plants springing to life.

A maple tree in full bloom.

A clump of snowdrops on a family plot.

Winter Jasmine.

Lawn full of tiny purple crocuses along one of the main avenues.

More crocuses.

During a walk in downtown Fredericksburg last week, I saw this lovely patch of snowdrops.

A friend and I were looking at a cabin near Harrisonburg on Monday.  The owner of the property was obviously a gardener.

A huge naturalized patch of Winter Aconite.

More Aconite, in another part of the yard.

Snowdrops.  I really love these!

Here in my yard, it's the beginning of Hellebore season.

Yesterday and today have been unseasonably warm ... 80 degrees both days with blue sky and bright sunshine.  It's been glorious!!


  1. The first signs of spring are always so encouraging! We have lots of snowdrops blooming right now. I love them, too. A neighbor's daffodils (on a sunny hill) are even blooming. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos, Connie!


    1. Signs of spring can be subtle like the blush in the distance for maple trees, or bright and in-your-face like the Aconite and Winter Jasmine. Gets us hopeful and encouraged at the promise of more spring to come. I'm ready!

  2. Wow, so much beauty bursting forth, putting on a glorious show. Thanks for sharing.


    1. You're welcome, Rainey! Winter is brown and gray ... spring color is anxiously anticipated and very welcome.

  3. Lovely! A rebirth.... I've missed you. Haven't been getting your blogs forever until today. Have you not posted on email? Miss them! Thank you for the pics and sentiment Connie!

    1. Email notification is automatic if you've signed up, which I assume you did a while ago. I did, too, so I can keep track of posts that way. Mine come via email on the morning after I post ... but sometimes they get sent to spam. Perhaps that's your issue.


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