
Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 ... In the Rear-View

It seems appropriate, on this last day of 2016, to look back and remind myself of things that happened during the year.  Truthfully, I did this about a month ago when I was writing our annual Christmas letter.  I enjoy sifting through our calendar, condensing an entire year's worth of days and happenings into a single page to include in our Christmas cards.

This is what I wrote (with some additions and edits, because I always do that whenever I revisit anything that I write.)


Welcome to our annual recap, where we try to remember and
relate to you some of the things that happened around here in 2016.

We did a fair bit of traveling in 2016, with Connie making more trips than Steve did this year.  Connie’s travel always has a plant theme, mostly related to her work with and love of roses.  This year, she had various trips around the country to rose speaking engagements, board meetings for the Heritage Rose Foundation, and some just-for-fun-trips.  One of those fun trips was a long weekend with her mom in April to Charleston, South Carolina, with the Southern Garden History Society. 

Mrs. Whaley's Garden in Charleston

In August, we had long-weekend working vacation at a greyhound conference in Wheeling, West Virginia ... the same conference that we attended in 2015.  We again shared a cabin with our friends Kim, Andy, Gale, and Chris.  The highlight of the trip was a visit to the racetrack to watch the greyhounds run and an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the racing operations with the track veterinarian!

Petting pups at a greyhound farm.

Our annual Thanksgiving week getaway this year was a trip to Las Vegas with our friends, Andy and Kim.  The weather was a little chilly, but perfect for visiting the desert and seeing the sights.  We went hiking in Red Rock Canyon to see petroglyphs, saw a couple of awesome shows (Cirque du Soleil’s Mystère and impressionist Terry Fator from America’s Got Talent), and spent time with Vegas friends and visited the Ethel M Cactus Garden decorated for Christmas.  The death-defying part of our trip was the “Slotzilla” zip line.  You launch from 10 stories up (114 feet) and fly face first all the way down Fremont Street (1,750 feet).  It was terrifying and amazingly fun at the same time!

Pausing for a photo while hiking at Red Rock Canyon.

The nervous smile of one who has survived what felt like a near-death experience.

July saw the passing of Maggie, our oldest cat, at age 15.   She was our miracle kitty that spent her life surviving and thriving with one should-have-been-terminal condition after another.  She ruled our household with her velvet paws, greeted all houseguests and insisted that they pet her, and was a huge presence in our lives.  She is greatly missed.

Maggie was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside.

Renovation projects continue as usual and there is never a shortage of items to take care of here at The Manor.  There’s always something to repair or restore when one lives in an old house!  Projects included continuing to transform one of our outbuildings into a studio, repairing the concrete fence around our front yard, and refining and expanding our gardens. 

The concrete fence around the front is an important feature of our property.  About 1/3 of it is now repaired and repainted.

The neglected, weed-filled Rose Field is well on its way to being beautiful again, as we clear weeds, redesign beds, and replant roses.

We hope that you have a very Merry Christmas, and we wish you health, happiness and the very best in 2017.

Winnie, Ruby, and me, captured by my trail camera, while on a walk back by our barn.

With love,
Steve and Connie
(and Alice, Dorothy, Ruby, and Winnie … the furry members of our family)


  1. Such a beauty Maggie is. I'm so sorry for your loss!
    Gosh was Ireland 2015?? Wow I would have sworn that was only a few months ago! Happy New Year!

    1. Ireland was, indeed, in 2015. Time flies when we're having so much fun!

      Happy New Year to you, too, Stephen.

  2. Oh! Thank you for this!
    I loved reading about your year.
    Such great photos!
    You and your hubs make such an adorable couple!
    So sorry about Maggie. xoxo
    and love the last photo SO MUCH!
    Here's to 2017!
    I just know it's going to be a great year!

    1. My husband and I do, indeed, make a great pair. He keeps me grounded, and I push him out of his comfort zone ... not that he needs much pushing anymore, after 36 years being married to me.

      I love the last photo, too. It was a chance capture, on a pretty afternoon a couple of months ago, that says so much.

      Thank you for your online friendship, Cindi, dear ... and Happy New Year to you and the pack of critters.

  3. I am so glad that we "met" via blogland, Connie. I treasure our friendship and in awe of your energy, knowledge, and unconditional love for all of God's creatures. Bless you both in this coming year, and may it be full of peace, joy, love, and light! Happy New Year!

    xoxo laurie

    1. The awe comes right back your direction, dear Laurie, because I admire your strength, spirit, and style. You are one of my online ‘dates’ that I am very, very thankful for!

  4. “As the year comes to a close, it is a time for reflection – a time to release old thoughts and beliefs and forgive old hurts. Whatever has happened in the past year, the New Year brings fresh beginnings. Exciting new experiences and relationships await. Let us be thankful for the blessings of the past and the promise of the future.”
    ― Peggy Toney Horton

    Happy New Year, Connie

    1. That's beautiful, Lynn. Wishing you every blessing and happiness as this new year unfolds.

  5. I would imagine a walking tour of Charleston gardens with you narrating must be a truly joyous way to spend a day.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Charleston was a dream! I loved it there!!

      Happy New Year to you, too!!

  6. What a year you had! Especially luv'd that zip line!
    Happy New Year friend,

    1. Once I internalized the fact that I wasn't going to die on the zip line, it was fun. Before that, I was terrified. I'm really glad that I did it!

      Happy New Year to you, too, dear Catherine.

  7. What a great year you had, except for the loss of your sweet Maggie.

    That zip line would have freaked me out, but if it had been my husband and myself, he would have encouraged me to go for it, and I would have. I'm glad you did it and can share the experience here with us.

    May you and your husband and all of your critters have a wonderful 2017 ~ FlowerLady

    1. 2016 was a good year ... even with Maggie's death. She lived a long, wonderful life and I was blessed to share it with her.

      The zip line began as a terrifying experience, as we got suited up with equipment and climbed the tower. As we watched the people in line ahead of us get hooked up and sail away, the fear abated a bit. All of the mechanisms were checked and double checked, and I realized that I was afraid but safe. Having my husband and friends along for the ride was the best.

      Wishing you the very best of everything in 2017, dear Rainey!

  8. A lot happened in 2016! I'm sure 2017 will hold it's share of surprises! Hugs!

    1. I want 2017 to be quiet and normal ... 2016 was, pretty much.

      Hugs to you, too!

  9. Beautiful pictures. Looks like you had an eventful 2016, which is what I'm hearing from so many friends! Sorry for the loss of your Maggie, too. She was gorgeous.

    1. We have settled into a very quiet life, with flurries of activity and travel. Thank you for your kind thoughts about Maggie. She was one in a million.

  10. I am so sorry you lost your sweet Maggie. I know she was a big part of your lives. Wonderful pictures here and it looks like a good wrap up to a good year. Blessings to you- xo Diana

    1. Last year was a good one for us. For you, it was very much like a roller coaster ... I have kept up with you a bit, from the periphery. I hope for the best for you and your family, as you move toward your next adventure. Love to all of you!

  11. If I didn't say, I am so sorry about Maggie...yet, so happy about Winnie. Each side of the same coin, sadness and happiness.
    Happy New Year and Merry Christmas...I hope each was a blessing.

    1. Sadness and happiness ... can't have one without the other. I am sad that Maggie is gone, but happy to have shared so much time with her. Winnie ... she's simply meant to be here ... what a little sweetheart.

      Blessings abound here. For that, I am thankful. I hope that the new year brings you happiness and peace.

  12. I've been trying to get caught up on both my blog reading and my blog writing and this was one of the places I wanted to stop by-- Happy New Year to you, and happy gardening and house projects in the coming year!

    1. You and I are in the same boat. I have promised myself to get back in the habit of blogging more often. I read posts from other blogs most days, but I rarely speak up and comment. I will work on that, too.

      Lots of things planned here for at least the first half of 2017. If I'm a good blogger, everyone here can follow along.

  13. A zipline? OMG you're brave. Never ever in a million years! lol

    I think my favourite pic is the one of you painting the fence - it looks like such a beautiful view on the other side of the road. If I didn't say it before (crap memory) I'm so sorry about Maggie.

    1. As long as I am completely positive that I'm not gonna die, I will try just about anything. This one pushed my courage and almost made me cry, though. The sight of the lights on Fremont Street stretched out ahead of me, as I hung there on my belly from a cable 10 stories up, was terrifying. Then, the little guy who was giving us final instructions told us to push off hard and make ourselves as aerodynamic as possible to go faster ... no way, Jose. But, I lived to tell the tale and I decided that I'm glad I did it. Do it again? Not a chance!

  14. Love these images... especially the one of you and the Mr. I hope it's framed somewhere in your house.

    1. I will probably do this that. There's an older photo of the two of us in my husband's office, but I like this one better.


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