
Friday, June 17, 2016

Flowers on Friday: Mid-June Roses

Wednesday was fungicide day.  I like to think of this as an opportunity to get up close and personal with each of my roses individually ... instead of a bi-weekly necessary nuisance chore.  The sky that day was overcast, creating near-perfect light to take some really nice rose photos.  Here are the best ones, presented approximately in order as I walked through the garden.  (links below each photo take you to Help Me Find, the best rose reference site on the web.)

Shrub, 2004

Floribunda, 2001

Climber, 1931

Found rose, from the garden of President Garfield's Aunt Louisa

found rose

Portland, Damask Perpetual, before 1900

Hybrid perpetual, found rose from California

Noisette seedling bred by my friend Robert.

Hybrid wichurana, Rambler, 1910

China, before 1894

Hybrid wichurana, Rambler, 1903

Hybrid wichurana, Rambler, 1918

Hybrid wichurana, Rambler, 1900

Plant that I grew from seed in 2008.

Shrub, English Rose, 1996

Shrub, English Rose, 1983

Shrub, English Rose, 1984

Shrub, Hybrid rugosa, 1968

Climber, 1940

Shrub, English Rose, 1997

Climber, 1954

Hybrid wichurana, Rambler, 1917

Miniature Climber, 1964

Polyantha, 1929

Polyantha, found in a cemetery in Sumerduck, Virginia.

Hybrid Tea, 1943

There are still SO many nice roses in the garden, and I am enjoying them like crazy!  Things like spraying fungicide, and weeding, and deadheading are hard work ... but being outside in the garden, surrounded by lovelies like these, makes the work into a much more pleasurable way to spend the day.


  1. Absolutely beautiful! How stunning is Maggie?! I always love seeing what's blooming in your garden. I've done heavier gardening this week than I've done in years and it's been really nice. The very perfect weather hasn't hurt either. Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Doesn't it feel wonderful to be tired and sore after a hard day of heavy gardening?

      I will be enjoying a perfectly rosy time with a friend in PA this weekend. Looks like it will be great for a long drive, time outside, and lots and lots of conversation. I hope your weekend is a good one.

  2. Oh My, you have the best job EVER!!! So many beauties. With each picture I think, "ah, this is my new favorite." Then I scroll down to the next picture....oh my. I just bought a new rose at a local garden center. They had precious few to choose from, but my hubby really liked this little climber called Jacobs Coat. He's in the backyard planting it as I type.

    1. It's disappointing to see the selection of roses at most nurseries nowadays. I think we are in a downward cycle with roses right now, with Knock Out leading the way with sales. To get any variety in offerings, we have to go mail order. That's where almost all of mine came from, if I didn't propagate them myself. I don't grow 'Joseph's Coat', and I can't wait to hear how it does for you.

  3. Just so lovely. Your pictures made me smile! Lis

    1. Thank you! That's how I feel when I'm in the garden ... lots and lots of smiling.

  4. They are all spectacular. I could never choose a favorite. And I imagine they smell divine.

    1. We don't have to choose a favorite. We can love them ALL!

      I'll let you in on a not-so-well-kept secret ... my sense of smell isn't all that great. I blame it on a lifetime of allergies. I can smell some roses, but not others. I tend to live vicariously through friends with keen noses who tell me about the various scents. My favorite rose fragrance is an anise smell that some of the Gallicas and English roses have. I can't get enough of it!

  5. May I say once again how thankful I am that you take the time to share all these beauties with us?!!

    1. You're very welcome! I think of posts like this as a way to pay it forward. I remember pouring over photos and descriptions of roses I was considering, hoping to find something to guide me (besides a glitzy catalog photo). My photos show blackspot, faded flowers, and bugs, along with the beautiful perfect-to-me flowers. Part of it is also a challenge to myself, to keep trying to capture accurate color in some of these. Those dark reds are really, really hard.

  6. Oh my gosh! These are all wonderful! What a joy even with all of the work, to have such loveliness surrounding you. It's worth it.

    Have a nice weekend Connie ~ FlowerLady

    1. There are days when working in the garden doesn't feel much like work. Spray Day is usually like that. I look beyond the blackspot and beetles, and I try to concentrate on the loveliness in the garden ... then I take photos to remember, and to share. I'm glad that you enjoy them.

      Thank you. I hope your weekend is a good one.

  7. Oh, Connie. Thank you for sharing. What a wonderful way to begin my day. I love each and every one.♥♥♥

    1. You're welcome! I always say, "what's the point in having all these roses if I don't share them?" I'm very glad that you enjoy them.

  8. So many wonderful roses, love them all. And they are all different from mine except Morning Mist.
    I should love to spend day and night in the garden now the roses are at their best, but unfortunately
    I have more to do.
    Wish you a lovely weekend with family, dogs and roses.

  9. I love all your roses, they do give you a really good feeling! We sold our home last fall and I don't have roses at my new place. I'll just enjoy yours!

    1. I'm glad that you like mine. I am happy to share them with you!

  10. Gorgeous and I love the shot with the bee! Too hot outside for me.

    1. I heard about the heat where you are. I can't imagine. We have been enjoying weird cooler-than-average weather, and I do what I can to make the most of it outside in the garden. It feels like a wonderful gift to work outside and not be miserably hot. Seasonable weather will return, I have no doubt. Till then, I will be thankful.

  11. Stunning photos...absolutely love them all! Happy Gardening!! And Happy Father's Day to Steve!

    1. Thanks! It's all about the light in this case. The roses were really showing off under those high clouds last week. Made it comfortable to work, too! Happy Fathers Day to Bob, too!

  12. Wow, Connie!! These just might be your best photos ever! Your roses have come alive on the screen for us. Thank you!!


    1. Thanks, Shirley! I broke out my D70 DSLR for these photos, instead of being a lazy bum and relying on my iPhone. The garden was so beautiful ... I had to do the best to capture it as well as I could.

  13. Also, I forgot to ask if you'd heard about the 7-foot Lego rose at Lewis Ginter? Not beautiful like your roses by any means, but a fun idea. ;-)

    1. I will have to go to Ginter to see this ... and to have their shrimp salad with dill for lunch. It's yummy!

    2. I've only eaten there once and I don't remember that salad being an offering, but I know I would love it, too!


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