
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Desperately Seeking Sunshine

The weatherman on TV says that we have had fifteen straight days with measurable rain.  Today makes sixteen.  It's so damp ... I feel as if I'm going to mildew.

In order to do what I can to make it through this till the sun returns, and to soothe those of you who are suffering along with me, I will share some recent images of sunshine.  At the very least, it will help me remember what sunshine actually looks like.

Our house faces east, so the rising sun lights our family room.

Looking the other direction, we have sunrise as seen through the windows of the family room bay.

As the sun rises, it illuminates our barn and the trees in the distance, slowly, spreading from top to bottom.

Our critters are accustomed to the sunshine patterns, and they know exactly where to nap to get the best sun.  One of the leather chairs in our family room is a favorite spot ... the following photos were all taken on the same morning, as each cat took their turn in the chair.




Maggie is especially adept at seeking out and enjoying the warmth of a sunshine spot.

Morning sun on the family room rug.

Mid-day sun on a south-facing windowsill.

I often find Alice in the foyer like this.

As the day progresses, and the sun comes over the house, the dining room becomes THE place to be.  One afternoon, I walked in and saw this scene.

"They consulted counsel about it and found a loophole," said a friend when she saw this photo.

Whether it's sunny or cloudy, I often find Ruby at this window watching critters in the backyard.

Judging by the direction of her gaze, I suspect that she is watching a groundhog.

This wet, cold weather pattern MAY break over the weekend.  I hope it does ... not that I'm complaining, you understand.  All this rain has its advantages.  My garden is enjoying the grey skies and rain, and the grass ... oh my lord, you should see the grass.  It's very, VERY tall, and WAY too wet to mow.  I have roses to plant, but I need to wait to do that till the soil dries out a bit.  On the plus side, the saturated soil makes it really easy to pull weeds in my rose and perennial beds.  I have been getting out to do just that whenever it's not actively raining.  Not ideal, but I gotta do what I can to feed my need to be outside and get as much of my spring clean-up finished before rose season ... which will be here soon, whether I'm ready or not.  I'm okay with that.


  1. Love the sun puddle photos. We had a summer like that with so much rain I thought I was molding.

    1. The critters are experts at bathing in sun puddles! It was fun that one morning, when I noticed that each cat was taking her turn in the sunny spot on the seat of that same chair.

      It helps to know that you understand how it feels to be so damp and grey.

  2. SUN!!!! Thank you, thank you! My fav photo, of course, is the first.

    1. Mine, too! I big way too much for that sheep painting in a very spirited exchange with another woman at an estate auction years ago. It was worth every penny, in the pleasure that I get from having it.

  3. I love your home, it looks so cozy! And your kitties sure seem to appreciate it too. :) Sunshine. Now, normally I'd be singing that sad tune too (living in NW OR) about too much rain and mud, we never get any sun blah blah blah...however, this year - just like last year - we are currently in our 3rd heatwave since spring began. Driest April on record, record-breaking temps in late Apr, early May and I'm positively wilting...I can't believe I'm saying this, but I would welcome with open arms, those coolish, even damp spring days where the flowers don't scream for shade and a little drink. But weather will do what it's gonna do...go make some lemonade out of all those lemons. Beautiful shots BTW!

    1. Cozy is what I am for ... thank you for noticing!! In a normal year, we have already had heat that fries flowers, running the a/c, and are dreading summer humidity by now. This year, I still have the heat on and the garden is in suspended animation from lack of sunshine. The bright side of this is that whatever flowers in the garden are lasting a lot longer than usual, and the cloudy weather makes for great photography conditions. Lemons out of lemonade, indeed!

  4. All the photos are gorgeous, but that one of the barn and the lit trees behind, that one is beyond awesome!

    1. I love that view, and I'm the only one that ever sees it ... other family members sleep too late to see the wonders that happen at sunrise.

  5. Oh, yes, Connie, I agree! Love all your sunshine photos! In the midst of all the rain, we did get away for 4 days to SC for hubby's college reunion. It was 4 days of perfectly warm weather--not too hot, not too cold--with non-stop sunshine. I keep trying to remember the glory of that weather. The event was all outside so we were very fortunate. As the saying goes, this rain, too, shall pass. ;-)


    1. I totally understand! My husband and I were in Lynchburg last Saturday, and it was bright and sunny there. It charged my battery a bit, which has helped me make it this far through the grey, cloudy, damp weather that continues here this morning.

  6. Wonderful photos dear Connie! We've been having sunshine here, need rain, and some is predicted for this afternoon. Yay!

    Have a great weekend with all of your sweet critters.

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. Last week, when we were getting storms every day, I would have gladly sent some down to you.

  7. Sun! We need it as much as you do. The garden is begging for sun. Love your photos. :)

    1. I need sun soon so I can gauge the amount of sunshine on the spot where I plan to put my new tomato bed. Can't be done while it's cloudy and grey like this.

  8. I love how kitties are always in sun spots!
    That photo with the barn, Oh my! Lovely.


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