
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Glasses, Glasses

I almost always have a pair of glasses on top of my head (sunglasses for outdoors, reading glasses indoors), unless they're in use on my face.  I am so accustomed to it that I don't think about it, and yesterday, I realized that this had happened ...

There I was in the kitchen, needing to see something up close, and I grabbed a pair of readers from in front of me on the counter ... not realizing that there was already a pair on my head.  Not the first time that this has happened, I'm sorry to say.

On a side note, in addition to keeping my glasses nearby for whenever they're needed, wearing them on my head is useful for holding my hair out of my face.  I'm growing the pixie haircut out a bit ... and, yes, six months into this, I'm still LOVING the purple!  (Who knew that purple hair would make me so happy.)


  1. LOVE your hair! And I can't tell you how many times I've doubled theAnd glasses...I'm so used to them on my head, I don't even feel them. I'm always looking all over for my guessed it... they're on my head.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I always hoped that I would have awesome grey hair, but it's just dull. Coloring it purple is fun and sassy, and makes me really happy.

      I have glasses all over the house, multiple pairs in my purse most of the time. Thank goodness they're so cheap now. One of the tests when I buy new ones, besides making sure that they look good on me, is to test how well they stay on top of my head. Try on glasses, check the mirror, put them on my head, good to go!

  2. HOW.. did I MISS... THE PURPLE HAIR???.... where's the backstory.... I need to read...

    1. I dyed it in October. My grey hair isn't 'nice' grey hair, it makes me look paler than I am, and I needed a boost. Figured that it would grow out pretty quickly, or fade, if it all went bad. Turned out, I love it and so does everyone else. I use drugstore Splat hair color, Berry Blast, and it lasts for about 4 weeks. My real dark brown hair takes on a bit of a purple tint, but the greys are WOW!!! purple. Looks like a very expensive foil job, but no bleach is involved. Just Mother Nature, the aging process, and an hour or so once a month.

  3. I love your hair! I'm like you and don't have pretty grey hair. Mine just got mostly dark and dull. I get it highlighted once in awhile but the purple is so pretty. My Ashleigh always has hair of a different color but mostly pink and blue. It is fun!

    1. Dark and dull ... that's a GREAT way to describe it! I remember seeing your daughter and admiring her hair. Our middle daughter went through a period where she had colorful hair. Turquoise, mostly. There were phases where it was pink, or blue, or orange. It's just hair, why not have fun with it.

  4. Your hair looks so so good! I just love it!

    1. I love it, too!! Your compliment makes me feel really good, since you're a salon guy and color is your thing.

  5. I also have glasses all over the house, but mine won't even stay for a second on my head. I have them on a cord that usually hangs in front of me, unless I go somewhere and then I throw it over the back where it's supposed to be. I'm still trying to get brave enough for the pixie. Doubt I'd ever be brave enough for purple hair Purple IS the designated color for our FQ group, but I'll stick with the purple shirts. Looks great on you!

    1. It's hard NOT to have a whole herd of glasses since they're so cheap and available. I'm afraid that I would strangle myself with glasses on a cord ... I'm that kind of clumsy. Pixie is a commitment to hair appointments every six weeks and and understanding that it won't look the same after each salon visit. That's just how it is. You'll either know that it's right for you, or you won't. There's no in between. For me, right now, it's not right. We'll see how long I let this go, and what the results will be.

  6. I have glasses all over too, some of different strengths depending on what I am doing when I need a pair.

    I love your hair color. Way to go.


    1. Different strengths of glasses are a must! My everyday strength is 2.0. I have a pair or two of 2.5's for reading smaller print or in low light. There is a pair of 3.0's on my sewing table, and a pair of 3.25's on the kitchen windowsill. I use those really strong ones for things like clipping nails on the critters, and removing splinters and thorns from myself.

      I love YOUR lovely grey/white hair!

  7. Many times I have sunglasses on top of my head and am wearing glasses. I still don't have too much gray, but I'm using your experience as inspiration for when the day comes. Given my best colors, I'm thinking fuschia or plum would be good. ;-) (A friend does fuschia highlights and the coloring is beet based, which I think is neat.) But purple looks perfect on you, Connie!


    1. My mom is a natural redhead, and I have her skin coloring. My younger-self hair color was a wonderful chestnut dark brown ... gone forever now. :( The purple brings back the glow in my skin and a twinkle in my greenish brown eyes. Purple ... more of a red-based plum color ... kinda magenta ... whatever it is, I love it!

  8. I do recall that during a lunch date you had SIX pairs of glasses ins your purse :D

    I love the purple too!

  9. I have a lot of glasses too! LOL!
    but I'm blind without them so they are usually on my face
    unless I'm doing something up close, then I push them halfway across my nose and I look like a dork.
    I've had every haircolor in the book but just recently went back to light brown semi-permanent and everyone is complimenting it.
    Wow, who knew! LOL!
    I LOVE your purple hair though!!!!
    Very cool!

    1. I used to be very near-sighted. I gave up glasses for contacts when I was in my teens. When I turned 40, my birthday present to myself was LASIK. At 45, I started to need glasses for needlework and tine print. Now, still 56, I'm paralyzed without my readers. I'm okay with it ... much better than contacts.

  10. The only reason I don't have a pair on top of my head and another pair perched on my nose is that I'm totally blind without them - I always know where they are unless I'm asleep! I don't think you should ever get rid of that beautiful purple hair. :)

    1. I expect that the purple will stay unless I happen upon something that makes me happier.

  11. If I weren't so blind, I know I would do it too. :) Connie, are you going to have an "Rose Open House" again this year?

  12. Love the purple hair!! I have trifocals now--ugh!--and it's easier for me to see up close without my glasses, so I'm forever putting mine on top my head too and then wondering where I laid them down.

  13. Stopping by today to catch up on your blog. I must say that I am totally loving your purple hair! Once we reach a certain age we tend to do what we REALLY want to do, and if purple hair is a part of that equation then so be it. LOVE IT!


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