
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Be the Change

This meme floated across my Facebook feed the other day, and I saved it to share it here because I identify with it so completely.

It sounds so simple, and it is.  All it takes is a minor adjustment in attitude to bring so much reward ... smile, look on the bright side, be thankful, greet strangers, let a car or two ahead of you in traffic.  There may be days when positive things are harder to find, but it's worth your effort to look for whatever slight glimmer of something in the chaos to be thankful for.

"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses."
-Abraham Lincoln

I choose to rejoice.


  1. Love this. I do truly believe that the world changes when we change.

    1. It's really all about attitude, which can be the most challenging thing to control. A little smile or positive thought makes it easier for the next one, and the next one. Before too long, we're seeing the world as a happy place ... which is a place where I want to be.

  2. Thank you for this.
    I've been struggling with my attitude about where I live
    and then of course, my work.
    But YES! I need to focus on the roses rather than the thorns!

    1. There are days when it would feel most satisfying to me to beat someone with those thorns, I assure you.

      You're welcome!

  3. Thank you for posting this. Big changes are happening over here connected to work... When I decided to be okay with the changes, I started finding joy in the acceptance.

    On my office door, I have this quote posted:

    "Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier." ~Mother Teresa

    1. Mother Teresa sure knew what she was talking about ... I love that quote!

  4. Replies
    1. The morning when this came across my FB feed, It was as if someone was reading my mind. I think about it often.

  5. I try, but must admit I need some work.

    1. We all need to work at it … I hope you don’t think that it’s all sunshine and roses around here. There are some days when life feels heavy and it’s all I can do to paste on a smile and put on real clothes. On these days, for me, it’s especially important to work toward a more positive attitude – even if it’s just for a second at the end of the day, trying to recall something, anything, that may have happened during the day that I can be thankful for.

  6. I absolutely believe this,,,,but as I read it, I realized I have not been practicing it for a while. I think all of the politics happening TO us has been truly affecting me. I need to tape that to the bathroom mirror and remember it daily!!
    They say that change happens within us and in our own homes and then reflects out. We do each have to do our part.
    Thanks for the reminder!!

  7. I used to tell my girls, the only thing in life you have 100% control over is your attitude. If you change your attitude, your life will change. I think they took my advice. There are always so many bad things that happen to us, that have opened up wonderful doors of opportunity, or blessings. I wish everyone would take this advice. :) donna

  8. Perfectly said. It's one of my resolutions this year - to be more positive about everything in general, look on the bright side, be kinder, and treat myself better.

  9. Absolutely love this and will copy, post and give credit to you. It's become a habit once I leave the farm for errands, I cannot return until I've given a compliment, helped someone in line, bought someone's lunch, etc. I also don't allow myself to respond to negativity in kind because, for me, that cancels out the good.


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