
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Post Full of Random Photos

The purpose of this post is for me to do something with some photos that have been hanging around in my Blog file for a few weeks.  Let's use this as an opportunity to catch up on some stuff.

#1.  I took this photo on the afternoon after we spent the day digging out from our blizzard, which I told you about in THIS post.  I intended to capture a normal scene, and to show how relaxed and happy Maggie was ... then I noticed my husband's socks.  He absolutely IS my Superman.

#2.  I recently had a meeting with the folks at Hollywood Cemetery.  After we finished, I drove through the cemetery to check on a few things.  When I saw this little angel with her Santa hat, I had to stop and take her picture.

#3.  I have had my '66 Mustang since 2002.  In all this time, it has had a radio but no speakers.  As a present to myself, I ordered after-market kick panels with speakers in them.  I also ordered a new dashboard speaker, which I will install when the weather is warmer.  Now that the little Pony has music, it's going to be good to have something besides the voices in my head to listen to while I'm driving.

#4.  I showed you my Amaryllis sprouts in THIS post from December.  Those little sprouts grew tall and strong, and I had beautiful red flowers on my kitchen windowsill for weeks.

I also have an Iron Cross Begonia, an Orchid, and a pot of Lycoris Aurea.

#5.  I'm still working hard to declutter, downsize, and organize around here.  In 2015, we donated 374 useful items to charity, just over one item per day, and threw out lord-only-knows-how-many useless things.  My goal for 2016 is to double this number and to donate TWO items per day this year.  So far, with five trips to the charity shop as of today, day #48, 199 items are out of the house and on their way to new homes.  All of this effort really makes a difference in how this place looks and functions.

#6.  Part of my winter routine is to avoid the cold and spend time sewing.  I have a few projects in the works ... I will show them to you later.  For now, I want you to see the sweet critter who keeps me company while I sew.

Alice loves her fluffy bed, on the windowsill by the radiator, with a tree full of birds to watch outside the window.


  1. This is a fun slice of life post and the amount of things you have donated is inspiring! That first photo is awesome.

    1. The first photo is a normal scene here. Maggie is generally draped across either my lap or my husband's when we are sitting. Right now, Maggie is on the back of the chair behind my head, wanting to be in my lap. Laptop is there, so Ms. Maggie will have to wait.

      It's easy to downsize like we are doing when it's done one thing at a time. My donation box (shown in the linked post) is the key to keeping this going. One item at a time, and it adds up!

  2. Alice has the most wonderful cat perch in the world!

    1. I think so, too! It's a wonderful place to watch the world go by (or the snow fall).

  3. Replies
    1. We both know that it takes so little to take cute kitty photos. All we have to do is have a device handy, and wait. They're so cute and photo-worthy almost all the time.

  4. Love all the furry ones keeping you company. I am ready to get back to my donated and downsizing.

    1. It's incredible how the energy of downsizing takes over, isn't it. It feels SOOOO good to take that carload of stuff to the charity shop!

  5. Gorgeous, happy cats! I'm sure they are very cheerful companions to have around the house.

    1. I adore my dogs, but I will NEVER be without a cat. There's a presence with cats that agrees with me deep down. The fact that I grew up with cats probably has a lot to do with this. They're a comfort. When there's a sleeping cat in the room, one knows that all is right with the universe.

  6. Beyond impressed with the donations!

    1. It was an emotional process to get to the point where I can drop so much of our stuff into the Donation Box. Getting rid of the stuff like is in that photo makes way for me to enjoy the things that I truly love and appreciate and use, instead of arranging and rearranging things that I keep for 'just in case'. Realized that I didn't need more storage space ... I needed to have less stuff.

  7. Your decluttering is truly inspiring me to do some of my own. Purge, purge, purge. It would make this little space feel so much better.

    Love your kitties, and your hubbies socks are a hoot, and yes, he is your superman. :-) Your amaryllis are beautiful and a wonderful shot of color for winter.

    Look forward to seeing what you will be sewing.

    Have a great day and thanks for sharing snippets from your life.


    1. My new attitude is that I truly only want things here that I love and use ... paraphrasing the famous William Morris quote. I have discovered that filling my Donation Box and taking things to the charity shop must release a whole bunch of endorphins, because it feels SO good to see that stuff go.

  8. So many lovely fun photos. Relaxed Maggie make me sleepy after a busy day and Alice is at ringside, warm and cosy watching birds.
    In my imagination I see you driving in your Mustang with the radio at its loudest, haha.

    1. Since my surgery last fall to repair the hearing in my left ear, I need to be careful to avoid the urge to blast the music in my car. Pains me to do so, because driving and loud music are two of favorite things!

  9. I love the little Santa girl, though I am sure there is a sadness behind it.


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