
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sunday Snapshot ... A Winter View

In the morning, while I drink coffee and eat breakfast, I am often in this spot at the end of the peninsula counter between our kitchen and dining room.

From here, this is the view that I have to my left, through the west-facing dining room window.

The ancient pecan tree you see has shaded the back of our house since the beginning, I imagine.  (our house was built in 1848.)  At any given time, we see a large and varied number of birds, and a squirrel or two, doing something within its branches.

My Rambler Fence rose garden is on the left, just past the driveway.  There's nothing to see there in winter, because the roses are sleeping.  In the distance, you see the winter view of our barn ... 200 yards from the house. 

The stained glass (which is where my Hartwood Roses logo came from), ironstone pitcher, and cat bed (where cats sit to watch the birds and squirrels in the tree) complete the scene.  A perfect little snapshot of so many of the things that I love, all in one image.

Used the Waterlogue app to do something artsy with the image.

Today is chilly, winter-like at last.  I plan to spend a little bit of time outside in the sunshine, tidying up one of my gardens.  After that, the afternoon will be devoted to football watching.

What are your plans for today?

Sunday Snapshots are posts devoted to moments in time that represent glimpses into everyday life in Hartwood, or wherever else I happen to be at the time. 


  1. enjoy the sunshine that decided to visit after weeks of rain, gray and gloom.

    1. We were thinking the same thing! Two weeks of clouds and rain was too much. Made it a breeze to work in the garden, since the soil was soft and weed pulling was a cinch.

  2. It's absolute perfection, that little corner of your world. And might I just say that I really like your kitchen cupboards and subway tile? I will NOT show this to the spouse. He'd die for a barn like that!

    This morning I am making cinnamon buns and friends will come over and help us eat them. This afternoon I'll get caught up on my blog reading and social media stuff that I tend to neglect. And then I'll go outside and feed the birds, and then do some knitting. Not a terribly ambitious day, and I'm happy for it. :)

    1. If you have nothing better to do for a little while one day, click on the barn photo in my sidebar and see an old blog post about how we resurrected our barn from the brink of ruin. Shame that we don't have animals to live in it, since it's so nice and secure now.

      Blog, knitting, and other quiet activities sound perfect!

    2. I will do that barn one day! Yesterday I did the greenhouse because the spouse is really wanting to build one this year. :)

  3. What a beautiful view! I think I need to take a long walk in the sunshine. It hasn't been around much in quite a while. So that, groceries, and some work prep since today is my last day of vacation.

    1. It was a perfect day to be outside, charging our solar-powered batteries.

  4. What Sandra said - enjoying the SUN! Love that watercolor of your view.. isn't that app amazing?

    Happy Sunday, Connie and Crew -

    1. The sun felt wonderful! By late morning, the sun came around and warmed the spot where we were working. Made weed pulling (my least favorite garden task) almost a delight.

  5. Plans for today include undecorating the house. Not much fun, but a necessary evil.

    1. We still haven't undecorated here yet. I was going to do it on Saturday, then I thought about how much I have enjoyed sitting by the light of just the Christmas tree in the evenings. Later this week, for sure.

  6. What a perfect place and way to start your day in any weather! A quiet day for me -- I watched the Redskins, and that was just about it. Hope your day ended on a good note!

    1. We worked on the garden, came in to watch the Redskins game, then went back out to finish the last little bit of mulch. It was a really, really good game. I like what I see in them this year. I'm a Redskins fan whether they win or lose ... but it's a lot more fun when they're winning. :)

  7. Love your kitchen! And it really is a marvelous view.

    1. Thanks. One day, I will have to see what I can do to put together a blog post about the kitchen. It was quite a process.

  8. I have no views outside, unless I go to the sunroom. I miss having windows. Hubby had the games on, I don't do football, so I hung out in the FQ group, like I do every day.

    1. I'm sure that you are a blessing to so many others who can benefit from your FQ experience.

  9. Love your kitchen, stained glass window with lace valance and that wonderful view. It looks extra lovely turned into a watercolor.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  10. I enjoyed gazing out your window with you. Don't you know that pecan tree could share lots of stories? Today is rather chilly here - finally. We are doing various small tasks inside, and one of them is emptying our family room in preparation for our painter next Monday.

    1. I often think about what that tree could tell me if it could talk. So much has happened here under its branches. Story is that the Union Army (that was winter-quartered in the area) spared the house during the Civil War because it was owned at the time by a transplanted Yankee family. The church down the road and other properties were not as fortunate.

      Preparing to paint is painful, but the results are worth the effort. Good luck with it!

  11. What a fun watercolor rendition of one of your favorite sights.
    Happy New Year Connie!

    1. My views here don't compare to what it laid out to see from your front porch! That vista of yours is awesome.

      Waterlogue is a LOT of fun to play with.

  12. Nice pecan tree! I enjoyed your Christmas Pics, too. I wrote a lovely Christmas message for your blog, but it failed to post and I was too bummed to try it again. So Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

    1. There was a time when Blogger was acting up for me and would do the same thing that it did to you. Got to the point where I would highlight and copy my comments, in case they failed to post and disappeared. Sorry that happened to you.

  13. I love your window, your view, your watercolor.
    My view from my kitchen is the neighbors dining room window :(
    but I'm working on blocking it out with a little tree that I planted between us
    and some other garden structures.
    I'm a day behind reading this but what did I do yesterday?
    Caught up on laundry that I didn't do while sick.
    Moved furniture around and got rid of some stuff.
    Pretty exciting Sunday! LOL!

    1. Using your garden is a great way to create the view that you want!

      I had laundry running while I was outside in the garden, and I folded things while I was watching football.

  14. I am in serious storage envy! All those beautiful cabinets! Absolutely love your view of the barn!

    1. This kitchen is my contribution to our house. It was a long process to design and build it, and it turned out to be everything that I ever wanted. I really must sit down for a few hours soon to do a comprehensive post about how it came to be.

  15. Huge part of buying our ca. 1900 farmhouse, no landscape. Excepting, century old pecan trees, a row of boxwood, and a few horrendous plantings ca. 1986. So. Understand your love for the pecan tree outside your window. Especially in winter.

    Cannot wait to begin designing/installing the garden. Parking courts, drives, paths, must be done 1st. Or whatever 1st truly is.


    Garden & Be Well, XOT

    1. Similar considerations here. As much as I love our house, I love this tree more. No garden here either. Tons of native and alien invasives. Easier like that, in a way, because most of the landscape is blank slate.

      Happy New Year to you, too, Tara dear!


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