
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday Snapshot: How Good is the Camera in My New iPhone?

I retired my antique iPhone 4 two weeks ago, in favor of the features and the camera in the new iPhone 6s.  How good is that camera, you ask?  How's this for an example?

I am at the Antique Rose Emporium Fall Festival of Roses this weekend.  That first photo is a detail of an arrangement, designed with inspiration from Dutch Masters paintings, by one of the event's speakers, Jim Johnson.  As lovely as this photo is, the arrangement itself was truly breathtaking.  Judge for yourself ...

Both of these photos are completely unedited, uploaded here exactly as they were taken.  The room is relatively dark, and the flowers are on a table beside the window, with a rainy, cloudy sky outdoors.   Conditions were perfect to capture great images, and my new iPhone didn't let me down!

I think this new phone and I will develop a very loving relationship!

Happy Sunday, Everyone.


  1. Oh, beautiful, Connie! I, too, have been using my iPhone 6 and it is really better than the camera I have been using. Sad, but true! xo Diana

    1. Think of it as one less thing to carry!

    2. I am having a blast learning to use the iPhone camera. The one less thing to carry theory isn't exactly accurate ... unless you count the fact that I no longer carry my little Canon elph point and shoot ... but I haven't carried that for a while now.

  2. The cameras in phones have gotten so good! Pretty photos.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I was shocked at how pretty they are.

  3. Great photos, especially first one! These iPhone 6 photos are better than my camera I think, wonderful.

    1. I find it easier to get good photos with my Nikon DSLR than with the iPhone. With the phone, it can be difficult to frame a photo where it's not distorted, if you don't hold the phone straight and parallel with your subject. Distorted can be fun, too, though. :)

  4. Better than my big old Nikon can do! I have a new iPhone 6, just plain 6, and am having so much trouble with it, but, have to say, it does take good pics. I have a question ... after having 30 tall pines felled on our property last week, I am left with a mountain of mulch. What would you do with it? I don't like the light color in my garden, but there must be some way of putting it to good use. The gardens are mostly roses, around 100 plants. I'm afraid if I don't do something useful with it soon, it will just get scattered around in the woods on the property. Some of it will be used in compost, but would take the rest of my life to use all of it that way. I use sand in the chicken pen and coop, so that's no help. I know you'll know what to do.

    1. Thirty pines would definitely leave a mountain of mulch! Oh, my. In my garden, all mulch eventually turns silver, so the light color wouldn't bother me. Do you have any plans for pathways in your garden? That would use up some of it. For me, I would use whatever I could, then offer the rest to neighbors and friends.

  5. ooooh, you are going to have SO MUCH fun now !! Yer roses ain't never looked so good as they're gonna from now on, hee hee ;>))

    1. Outdoor photos will still probably come from my Nikon D70. I'm comfortable with it and it takes great close-up photos. For most everything else, the new 6s has been great!

  6. All my photos are with my iPhone 5c and I think they are better than my camera.
    I've been very happy with it but now that I see YOUR photos,
    I want a 6!

    1. The improved camera is the ONLY reason that I upgraded from my old iPhone 4. Everything else about the old phone was fine with me, but the photos were a disappointment.

  7. Replies
    1. I was shocked to see how well these photos came out. I saw the perfect light from the window, with the dark shadowy background, and I hoped that I could capture it adequately. Mission accomplished. Point, tap, done!

  8. These are wonderful! I don't see myself upgrading (another owner of an antique iPhone 4) because the rest of the phone suits me and I've been trying to force myself to use my Canon Rebel camera more after taking the photography classes I'd so wanted to take. But it's nice to know you'll get good shots with something you can carry in your purse or pocket! Lovely!

  9. I just recently upgraded from my old 4 to a 6 ... couldn't afford the 6s. Now I'm sad I didn't just suck it up and buy one ... that quality is as good as I get off my point and shoot! You know, which is also ancient. lol

    And what a lovely arrangement. :)

  10. Ah! So lovely! I'm still using my 4s but I am ready for a upgrade. Perhaps soon! The peonies were absolutely lovely and your picture shows it so well. :)


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