
Friday, July 17, 2015

If Dogs Could Talk

In this scene from earlier this morning, it seems as if Ruby and Winnie are saying ...

Dear Mom,

You have been working a lot in the garden and in the basement this week.  We want to remind you that it is important for you to take time to snuggle with us, too.

Ruby and Winnie


  1. Never in the history of ever has their been a cuter duo, I'm thinking.

    1. I think so, too! It's just recently that Winnie has started to seek out Ruby's company, and it's so stinkin' cute to see them together.

  2. The funny two waiting for ages for you on the couch. Ruby looks pretty pathetic and Winnie totally agrees with him.
    I suppose you have neglected your duties Conny, do something to it, haha.

  3. They are adorable and certainly deserve some ME time! Give them hugs from me :) xo Nancy

  4. SO very important! We could learn so much from our dogs...

    1. Dogs are truly great teachers. We have friends who give a presentation that encourages humans to 'Be More Dog'. It includes living in the moment, not regretting the past, making the best of the present, and wagging one's tail often.

  5. Give those girls some attention mom! How could you resist those sweet faces?

    1. It's a lot like the same effort that it takes to resist the adorable faces of grandchildren.

  6. Too cute, they look like they are missing you for sure. Please do sit a spell with these two sweet ones and let their love and comforting nearness, revive you from your labors elsewhere.

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. We are sitting here on the sofa right now! Winnie on one side, and Ruby on the other. Maggie is draped across the coffee table by my feet. It's a very peaceful scene.

  7. I think me own dogs belong to your dog's *club* .... those looks rampant over here, too!

    [sorry, Blogger not accepting my comment or so it seems on this end - 3rd try now, then giving up]

    1. You're not the first person to report that Blogger is giving them trouble when commenting. I wish I knew what's happening. It has to be on their end, because I haven't changed anything in a long time. Thank you for putting in the effort, it's always great to hear from you!

  8. OMG, they are too much, those two adorables

  9. Smart doggies! I did lots of snugging with Doyle this afternoon during the thunderstorms. He is so afraid of thunder. Hope you got some good snuggle time in with those two cuties.

    1. Snuggle time here, at the very least, is whenever I'm on the computer (like now) and every evening. One day, I will have to see if I can capture the scene on the sofa, as my husband and I jockey for position with two dogs and at least one of the cats. I love my snuggle time as much as the critters do!

  10. And what did you answer? I'm guessing it involved dog treats.

    1. My answer? I told them that I was very sorry that they feel so neglected, and I promised them extra snuggles when I came back in from working outside. It was a compromise.

  11. It is important sometimes to slow down and snuggle, relax, contemplate the day. Wish my pups were better smugglers, but they prefer to sleep alone. Darn.

    1. These are the first dogs that we have had who snuggle like they do. Ruby is completely adorable when she wads herself up beside my husband on the sofa, her head on his chest, staring at him with those sweet eyes of hers.

  12. Oh yes always take time for those snuggles.


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