
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Roses in the Garden, May 23.

Here are some highlights from my walk through the garden with my camera yesterday morning.

This plant of what I believe to be 'Frau Karl Druschki' came from a cutting that I took at Hollywood Cemetery.

I'm not sure that there's a prettier white rose than 'Frau Karl Druschki'

In this photo, I see "Evonna's Yellow", 'Gail Borden', 'Mme. Joseph Bonnaire', 'Maria Stern', 'Shot Silk', 'Gruss an Aachen', and more.

'Mme. Abel Chatenay is an early Hybrid Tea rose that grows superbly on its own roots.

Vignette in the Hybrid Tea garden.  'Gruss an Coburg', 'Black Ice', 'Red Radiance', and 'Ma Perkins'.

'La France' is considered to be the first Hybrid Tea rose.

Such unusual coloring!

What a beautiful rose to be burdened with such a mouthful of a name!

This flower on 'Shot Silk' is huge!

This is a seedling that was given to me by a friend.  He grew it from an open-pollinated hip from 'Belle Vichyssoise'.

A view of the combination of 'Kathleen' and 'Shailer's Provence' in the front rose border.

'Ghislaine de Feligonde' anchors the top end of the Rambler Fence.

'Banshee' is blooming like crazy in the ruin that is my Rose Field.

Pillar roses on The Arcade.  'Parade', 'Pink Pillar', and 'White Cap'.

The Miniature Garden ... which is actually huge.

'Alchymist' on the fence, with 'Birdie Blye' and 'Braveheart' in the foreground.

'Garisenda' on the fence, with 'Hi Ho'.

'Lavender Lace', 'Paul Ecke, Jr.', 'Golden Glow', 'Annie Laurie', and a lovely pale mauve rose that lost its tag.

'Alida Lovett' is an American rose that is very rare in the US.  It's easily obtained at garden centers in England, however.

This time of year, I walk through the garden multiple times per day because things happen so fast.  We have had mild temperatures, ample rainfall, and the roses are responding by producing LOADS of flowers.  I wish there was some way to attach the fragrance along with these photos!

Remember, Open Garden Day is in two weeks ... June 7, 2015, from 10am to 3pm.  I'm so excited to show you all of this in person!!


  1. Hi Connie, gosh you have soooo.... beautiful roses blooming right now. I really enjoyed seeing roses in your garden that you don't come across so often.
    I love white roses so naturally 'Frau Karl Druschki' is a favorite. I also love 'Mme. Abel Chatenay', 'La France', 'Zalud House Shingled Raspberry' and 'Reichspraesident von Hindenburg'.
    Truly wish I could come to your Open Garden and see all the roses in person.
    Warm regards,

    1. 'Frau Karl Druschki' has been a huge surprise for me. It was a tiny stick when I planted it last summer. The cutting was taken from a rose at Hollywood Cemetery that has always struggled ... growing in a spot with too little sunshine. The little stick responded to sunshine and ample water in my garden to be the show-stopper that you see in the pics. I stand and marvel at it every time I go outside. Those flowers have been open for a week at least, and have been subjected to rain and drizzle, and there's not a spot on them! I can see why this rose was so popular in its time.

  2. I wish I could come to open garden day! Maybe one of these years! June is my birthday month so it would be a fun trip to take!

  3. so pretty!!!! {love all your furbabies!!}

    m ^..^

  4. I'm just in awe....
    I just keep scrolling through the photos.
    It's impossible to pick a favorite!
    Just stunning.
    Thank you.

    1. No need to pick and choose ... do like I do and enjoy them all! Some have certain sentimental attachments for me, so, of course, I tend to love them a little bit more. Shailer's Provence is one of these. Spring bloom time is like a family reunion around here.

  5. It is such a joy to see all these flowering roses. Some of them I have in my garden others are completely unknown to me, but all beautiful.
    I´m surprised so many roses are already flowering in your part of the world, I´m looking forward to the blooms of Alchymist, Ghislaine de Feligonde and La France.
    They will soon be there.

    1. I look forward to seeing photos of your roses when they are in bloom!

  6. Always a pleasure to take a little wander through your lovelies!
    Thank you ;>]]

    1. You are very welcome. Stay tuned … there’s lots more in the next few weeks.

  7. I'm partial to the pinks and there are so many here to admire!

    1. You’re in luck with old garden roses, since there are few of them in anything other than some shade of pink. Some are white or apricot or slightly lavender. A few are saturated shades of violet or magenta. I love them all!

  8. They are all beautiful! I have a small Ghislaine de Feligonde that I bought last year from Rose Petals Nursery. I also bought Crepuscule and Clytemnestra. They are all in pots. I've had Crepuscule before, the other two are new to me. I look forward to seeing Ghislaine blooms. Clytemnestra just bloomed and they were small blooms.

    Seeing all of your lovely roses encourages me to keep growing roses. They are such a joy.

    It would be nice to be able to go to your rose garden walk, but alas. I'll enjoy it via your photos.


    1. I am anxious to hear about Ghislaine does for you as it grows up. I love it! My plant gives me so much pleasure, and it demands so little in return. Clytemnestra is one of my favorite Hybrid Musks, though I don’t grow it. The flowers on Crepuscule are such a wonderful color … sadly, I lost mine to RRD a few years ago.

      Stay tuned, because there will be LOTS more roses coming to this space in the next few weeks. This year, full bloom season is timed differently and lasting longer than usual. Pleases me greatly, and I love sharing.

  9. I sure enjoyed my early morning walk through your rose gardens. Such a sweet day to start the day Connie. :)

    1. I’m glad you liked it, Lynn. You are welcome any time to come on up and do it in person.

  10. You must be so happy every time you walk in the garden, what a reward for all your hard work. I wish I could drop by and 'smell the roses' for myself.

    1. Every day there’s something different for me to admire. I wander through the garden, talking to the roses as I go, telling them how proud I am of how well they are doing. I have tried, but I can’t figure out a way to attach the fragrance to a post online. Going to have to use your imagination on that.


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