
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Reading the Clues

I keep my knitting/crocheting projects in this vintage milk crate between the leather chairs in our family room. 

Evidence suggests that Maggie walked by it and brushed past the crochet hook at some point during the day on Tuesday.  

Don't have to be a trained detective to figure out clues in this mystery.


  1. I find 'clues' like that all over my home! :)

    1. As much fur as Maggie loses, being a long haired cat and all, I’m used to finding wads of hair around the house. Alice’s long hair isn’t as obvious, since it’s mostly brown and kind of camouflaged on the wood floor … till it blows into a tumbleweed, that is.

  2. Goodness, that's a large wad! Does she have a bald spot?

    1. No bald spot that I can see. Maggie has LOTS of very long hair, so this was probably some extra. I imagine the crochet hook would have come out of the ball of yarn if it did any real pulling as she brushed past.

  3. No sense wasting a wad like that...just work it right in to your project!

    1. Funny that you say this. When a friend of ours was here years ago, Maggie came to greet as she always does. Our friend petted Maggie, rubbed the fur off his hand, gathered a bit more from Maggie, carefully spun a perfect thread using his fingers, and declared that Maggie’s fur is perfect for spinning. We laughed and rolled our eyes.

      Maggie’s fur has also proved to be good to use as a binder for repairing walls. I mixed some fur into a cup of drywall compound once, to keep my repair to an inside corner in the foyer from cracking. (Horse hair is typical, but I don’t have horses.) It’s been eight or nine years, and an earthquake that shook the house, and that corner still looks good as new.

  4. Ah the joys of owning a long-haired cat.

    1. I know! I have always had at least one long-haired cat, but none of them could compete with the amount of hair that Maggie can shed. Her coat is longer than most, and shaggy and thick, and she doesn’t flinch with a big chunk of it dislodges and snags somewhere. I would love to know her story and parentage, other than the ‘stray kitten found in Madison County (Va.)’

  5. Haha, that's hilarious! That's quite the chunk of fur ... roll your eyes if you must, but I think your friend might be onto something. ;)


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