
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

I took this photo of Daniel for Easter 2013.  He's been gone for almost two years now, and I long ago reached the point where I smile when I see photos of him ... remembering circumstances or events with him makes me happy.

I hope a silly photo of his sweet self wearing bunny ears makes you happy, too.


  1. You made me smile. What a cute and funny picture!

    Happy Easter Connie! xox

    1. Daniel had his issues, but wearing hats and other silly things on his head wasn't one of them.

      Happy Easter to you, too!

  2. It does! I love that doggie face!

    1. Glad to hear it, Linda! Daniel's face was sweeter as it got whiter. So expressive.

  3. Awww, he's beautiful. His face reminds me of our borzoi Kaos. Hounds are the best. :)

    1. Daniel and I were made for each other. His needle-nose hound face and his soft eyes drew me in when I first saw him, and his supreme cat-safeness sealed the deal. Heart Hound, they call it. He was mine.

      Borzoi? Borzois I have known are beautiful and SO full of personality. (Love the name Kaos!)

  4. Beautiful Daniel. It's nice to reach that point, where the good memories are a blessing to be cherished.

    1. You are so right ... beautiful Daniel. He was my boy. When I tell people that Winnie was supposed to be another greyhound, they look at me real funny. Who am I kidding, people look at me like that most of the time anyway. :)

      Good memories are a blessing, and bad ones are a lesson.

  5. What a sweet photo! It is amazing what our pets will put up with. :-)

    Have a lovely week ~ FlowerLady

    1. I loved Daniel beyond words to describe it, and he knew this … so he put up with stuff like hats, cats, hospital therapy dog visits, loud noises, and the like because he loved me just as much. I am better for having had him in my life.

  6. Oh, how very sweet....certainly made me smile...Carole

    1. Glad to hear it, Carole! Daniel had a way of making people feel better.

  7. This is a very beautiful portrait of Daniel! I've just stumbled across your blog most randomly, via My Notting Hill's bloglist and I'm glad I stopped by. Dogs fill our lives with love, and when they're gone they fill our lives with lovely memories. All the best.

  8. Nathalie, dear ... is anything in life truly random? I follow links via other blogs, too, and I find that I end up in the most wonderful places.

    I cannot imagine life without my dogs (cats, too). You expressed the sentiment perfectly!!

    Thank you for stopping by!

  9. What a sweetheart! Hope you had a Happy Easter!

  10. How utterly cute, Connie! What a fine tribute.

  11. Daniel lives on in your heart. What a sweet photo. Hope you had a Happy Easter!

  12. How can anyone not fall in love with that adorable face and those sweet eyes? Both Daniel and Winnie have big gentle eyes. Does Winnie remind you of Daniel?

    1. Winnie reminds me more of Emma. They both have very independent personalities. It led to my having more than one instance of butting heads with Emma, when she figured that her way was better than mine. Winnie has blossomed into a very independent dog, too. She knows her way around the property, and she's known to vanish and head for the house if I turn my back while we're busy outside. This means that I have to stop with I'm doing and either retrieve her or put her in the house. She's too small to be wandering around outside by herself.


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