
Friday, March 20, 2015

Meet My New Friend

Whenever I notice that this blog has a new follower, I click over and check them out.  I figure that whoever it is probably wants to follow along because they have an interest in at least some of the same things that I do ... could be another blog/person that I want to follow, too.

I know exactly where the Goth Gardener was standing when she took this photo of 'Mrs. B. R. Cant' at Hollywood Cemetery.

One of these new followers has a blog called "Goth Gardening" ... the writer lives in Richmond, loves Hollywood Cemetery, and her writing indicated to me that she is probably a person that I would like to get to know in person.  She came up to Fredericksburg to be in the audience for my presentation to the Master Gardeners on Wednesday.  Afterward, we walked to a coffee shop and spent the whole rest of the afternoon camped at a corner table chatting, and totally losing track of time.

Another cutting of my Yellow Seedling had a flower, and I brought it with me to the meeting.

She even got me to agree without protest to do the Silly Selfie, as she calls it.

Her post about our day together is way more entertaining than this one.  Click HERE to run over to her blog to read what she had to say.  I will see her again tomorrow, as part of the crew of volunteers for my rose work day at Hollywood Cemetery ... and I will see her as often as I can in the future.  She's definitely a keeper!