
Friday, March 20, 2015

Meet My New Friend

Whenever I notice that this blog has a new follower, I click over and check them out.  I figure that whoever it is probably wants to follow along because they have an interest in at least some of the same things that I do ... could be another blog/person that I want to follow, too.

I know exactly where the Goth Gardener was standing when she took this photo of 'Mrs. B. R. Cant' at Hollywood Cemetery.

One of these new followers has a blog called "Goth Gardening" ... the writer lives in Richmond, loves Hollywood Cemetery, and her writing indicated to me that she is probably a person that I would like to get to know in person.  She came up to Fredericksburg to be in the audience for my presentation to the Master Gardeners on Wednesday.  Afterward, we walked to a coffee shop and spent the whole rest of the afternoon camped at a corner table chatting, and totally losing track of time.

Another cutting of my Yellow Seedling had a flower, and I brought it with me to the meeting.

She even got me to agree without protest to do the Silly Selfie, as she calls it.

Her post about our day together is way more entertaining than this one.  Click HERE to run over to her blog to read what she had to say.  I will see her again tomorrow, as part of the crew of volunteers for my rose work day at Hollywood Cemetery ... and I will see her as often as I can in the future.  She's definitely a keeper!


  1. I have met some amazing friends through blogs! Glad you found a keeper!

    1. Linda, we had so much fun. It was like finding a long lost cousin.

  2. Headed over to meet your silly-selfie friend. xo Diana

    1. I don't do selfies, but this one was a reminder of a really special afternoon and the beginning of what I know will be a long lasting friendship.

    2. Oh my! You didn't tell me that. I feel extra special now!

      And NanaDiana posted about Christmas today... I love the blogosphere community :D ((It did snow today when I was in DC. Snow looks better with Christmas lights... Just sayin'))

  3. Replies
    1. It will happen with you, too, Karen, my dear ... you are on my list.

  4. Good for you... good for BOTH of you!

  5. Lovely post! Makes me miss Richmond more than ever. I volunteered at Lewis Ginter, only lived couple miles from there, and helped to trim the rose garden in the blistering summer heat!

    1. The rose garden at Ginter is beautiful ... hot and sunny is good for roses, hard on people.

  6. How wonderful to meet a friend "in real time" and chat just like long time friends! My favorite way to spend an afternoon!!

    1. You are another one of my favorite in-person meet-ups, Kim!

  7. Awww, it was such a good day! It isn't everyday a girl finds her *people*. :D

  8. This is really a lovely story. As much bad as we read about the internet and social media, in my personal experience it has led to meeting some really remarkable people.

    1. Meeting fellow bloggers, or conducting Craigslist transactions, have (so far) all been very positive experiences. I use reasonable care in setting them up, and have a pretty good idea of what to expect when we actually do meet in person. This meet up FAR exceeded my expectations!

  9. It is a treat to meet fellow bloggers. I've met three.

    Thanks to the link to her very interesting post about meeting you.

    Wish I could be up there helping today.

    Happy Spring and Rose growing ~ FlowerLady

    1. I would have to count to see how many bloggers I have met up with in person. Four, maybe? Five? I tend to follow local bloggers when I find them.

      Today at Hollywood Cemetery is supposed to be sunny and warm ... a perfect day for setting the volunteers loose (with instructions, of course). I am so excited!

  10. Replies
    1. I totally agree! I refer to it as MY version of online dating. :)

  11. Great story. Good, lasting friends are hard to find...yay to both of you and now I have a new blog to follow!

    1. Glad that you decided to follow along at Goth Gardening, too. You will love it.

  12. Such a fun and interesting post. I visited Goth Gardening and enjoyed her blog. Your selfie with your new friend is fun and sweet. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    On the floral front, I live in a prolific Daffodil area, and they are blooming everywhere, though hanging their heads a little due to the cold morning temps.

    Enjoy your special day today!

    1. Many of the daffodils were blooming at Hollywood Cemetery yesterday. No color on mine yet, though. I worry when they're late like this, because the show will probably be cut short this year by a spell of unseasonable spring heat. I hope not.

  13. The blogging world is a-MAZ-ing! We get to find all kinds of kindred spirits--and FABulous women that we just know SHOULD HAVE always been a part of our lives--LIKE YOU!

    1. Catherine, my dear, you are one of my sisters-from-another-mother that I just haven't met in person yet.

  14. Gardening friends are Great friends!

    1. Amen! In this case, it's a gardening friend second, and an awesome personal friend with so many shared interests first.


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