
Friday, February 27, 2015

Flowers on Friday ... Blooming in the Basement

Three of the baby roses growing under lights in my basement workshop are plants of my Yellow Seedling.  One of these developed a bud, which I was technically supposed to have popped off when I first noticed it.  This would be to allow the plant to put its energy into growing leaves and roots (instead of a flower), but I didn't have the heart to do it.  This is a strong healthy plant, and I reasoned that it could stand the strain of flowering.  A few days ago, the bud opened and this was the result:

If you follow Hartwood Roses on Facebook, you have already seen this photo.

In a few weeks, I will send two of the three plants to friends in different parts of the country.  This is the next step in my goal to eventually make this rose commercially available ... gotta see if it performs as well in other places as it does in my garden here.  The third plant will stay here as a back up copy, in case something happens to the original.

It has been almost a month since I transplanted the baby roses out of their propagation containers and into small pots of their own.  (click the link to see a post from when I did this).

Happy Friday, Everyone!  


  1. That is such a pretty rose and just a bright spot in this dreary winter!

  2. Beautiful! It looks like a happy healthy rose, and the yellow is just gorgeous!

  3. Beautiful and exciting. Yellow roses are my favorite.

  4. What a sweet bloom for us all to enjoy! Glad you decided to let it be.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~ FlowerLady

  5. What a beautiful and perfect ending to February! :-)


  6. It is so interesting to share the journey of this beautiful rose!

  7. I completely understand keeping the little bloom. She's a beauty! And such a needed sight this time of year.

  8. I couldn't have popped off that bud either! Oh please come visit this spring/summer and re-work our roses--they look so sad. :' (

  9. Thank you for your visit, I'm glad you stopped by! Just the other day, I was thinking of starting a rose bush from a cutting, but I just didn't know where to get started! and No, I wouldn't have popped off that bud either! :) xo Christine

    1. To learn a method for rooting roses from cuttings that works well for me, visit this blog post:


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