
Monday, November 24, 2014

Thirty Days of Mr. Rogers ... Day Twenty-Four

Mr. Rogers said, "I received a letter from a parent who wrote:  'Mr. Rogers, how do you do it?  I wish I were like you.  I want to be patient and quiet and even-tempered, and always speak respectfully to my children.  But that just isn't my personality.  I often lose my patience and even scream at my children.  I want to change from an impatient person into a patient person, from an angry person into a gentle one.'

Today's weather was unseasonably warm.  It was a great day for working outside, though I had a sad duty to accomplish ... removing two large roses that were infected with Rose Rosette Disease.

"Just as it takes time for children to understand what real love is, it takes time for parents to understand that being 'always' patient, quiet, even-tempered, and respectful isn't necessarily what 'good' parents are.  In fact, parents help children by expressing a wide range of feelings -- including appropriate anger.  All children need to see that the adults in their lives can feel anger and not hurt themselves or anyone else when they feel that way."

Instead of being depressed about removing these roses, I have decided to approach it as an opportunity to do something different in their spaces ... making lemonade out of lemons, as a rose friend in Georgia reminded me.

Me:  I was a stay-at-home mom and raising my children was my career ... my most important life's work.  As much as I would love to say (honestly) that I was perfect and patient and the best Mom ever, I have to admit that I was human.  There were times when circumstances were beyond what I could handle calmly, and I would lose my temper.  It's okay to be human ... in fact, it's all we CAN be.

During the month of November, I plan to share wisdom from Mr. Rogers with you each day (from the book "The World According to Mr. Rogers") ... Mr. Rogers's words accompanied by everyday images from life here at Hartwood Manor ... this place that I am blessed to call HOME.


  1. Grateful to read his response... and yours!

  2. Good post!

    Sorry you lost two roses to that disease, but I know you are going to make some wonderful lemonade.

    Happy Thanksgiving ~ FlowerLady

  3. The evolution of one's garden is like the evolution of life. Diversions take place which lead to an adjustment, some big, some small. It is how we view these. Is it a disaster of some large or small magnitude, or a new found opportunity. This shows our perspective on life.
    Happy Thanksgiving Connie


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