
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thirty Days of Mr. Rogers ... Day Eleven

Mr. Rogers said, "Little by little we human beings are confronted with situations that give us more and more clues that we aren't perfect."

In October, I shared this vase full of a beautiful spray of 'Curly Pink' on the Hartwood Roses Facebook page.

"I must be an emotional archaeologist because I keep looking for the roots of things, particularly the roots of behavior and why I feel certain ways about certain things."

I didn't share the rest of the photos that I took that day, though.

"The child is in me still ... and sometimes not so still."

When I bring flowers in and put them in a vase, Alice goes all herbivore on me, and she gnaws on the leaves.  
I am thankful that roses aren't poisonous.

Me:  One of things I like most about my adult self is how I still enjoy the child-like aspects in things.  Some say that it's child-ISH, but we all know that it's a positive and healthier way to be.  Watching the sunset, catching fireflies (which I still do), counting stars, kicking rocks ... things that 'real' grown-ups aren't supposed to have time to do.  Paying attention to the smaller things in life makes everything else a LOT more enjoyable.

Getting older is inevitable .... growing up is optional.

During the month of November, I plan to share wisdom from Mr. Rogers with you each day (from the book "The World According to Mr. Rogers") ... Mr. Rogers's words accompanied by everyday images from life here at Hartwood Manor ... this place that I am blessed to call HOME.


  1. "Growing up is optional."

    DH and I never wanted to grow up. :-)

    Lovely photos again today.

    Have a good one ~ FlowerLady

  2. Ain't it the truth. It's way to much work to try to be perfect. Not fun and not me. Spontaneity and following whims bring on such glee. Priceless feelings.

  3. Enlightening post. - Funny about your kitty eating the roses, that's why I hardly ever bring in real flowers as our cats tend to do the same thing.

  4. Well, I've always known I'm not perfect! LOL!
    and I truly feel like a child inside and only pretend to be an adult.
    I should have asked you before I did it but... I was cleaning up my yard last week and I wasn't sure what to do with the long stems of my climbing roses, so I cut them way down. Did I do wrong?
    I just noticed every Spring how they stems were dead anyway so...
    I guess I'm asking for next year!


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