
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Four Months Ago Today ...

... I drove out into a snow storm, and across two counties, to meet Winnie and bring her here to her forever home ... all because a friend shared her photo on Facebook, and the little voice in my gut kept telling me that that little dog was MY dog.

It was one of the best decisions that I have ever made!

(The description of that day, the beginning of Winnie's story with us, is HERE.)


  1. You and Winnie are blessing each other.

  2. I'm all smiles as I remember that post and meeting this sweet girl! Just meant to be!

  3. Bless you for seeing the sweetness in little Winnie and giving her a forever home. You are such a God-send to her....and other sweet pooches, too, Connie! That's why we love you so! :)

    xoxo laurie

  4. Winnie's story is one of my favorites because all your sweet girl needed was a little polish to show what a beautiful gem she is! I truly believe without a doubt, that the two of you were meant to be together!!

  5. Awww and Winnie thinks so too!


  6. By sweet little Winnie coming into your life, she has also come into all of our lives. She is so adorable and loving.

    That watercolor really captured her. The gleam in her eye is pure happiness.

    Thank you for sharing her with us.


  7. I love your Winnie story... I love to check in with your blog and it is always a treat to see how that sweet pup is doing!

    What an adorable watercolor!! Greatly impressionistic, yet captures her spirit!

  8. Winnie is so precious and I just love your watercolor treatment of her portrait.

  9. How well I remember that post; you're so right...meant to be! You have blessed each other, greatly.

  10. What a sweet little angel! I think her name fits her perfectly, too. Thanks for sharing your lovely story of how Winnie came into your home (and your heart!) My husband and I took a 3 hr trip from our new home in WV last summer to Caroline County VA to get our little "Cookie". I call her my $3000 rescue doggie because my truck's transmission went out in Fredericksburg. But we got a rental and went on anyway and are so glad we did! Cindy from


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