
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Snapshot: Cupboard Envy

Whenever we visit our friends Jim and Dan, I make sure to remind at least one of them that I will one day figure out a way to make off with the magnificent cupboard that is the centerpiece of their kitchen.  

It is an enormous thing, far too large for an average-sized room or home ... fully eight feet high and almost as wide, with a superb original painted finish in a fantastic, indescribable greenish-greyish-smoky ocher color.  Those of us who paint furniture can only hope to create a surface with this much character.

For yesterday's luncheon, with 70 people in attendance, "my" cupboard held a secret (that you may have already noticed, since I neglected to close the cupboard's door before I snapped the lousy iPhone photo that began this post) ... the cupboard was completely chock-full of pies!

Jim makes a grand performance of having an unsuspecting first-time guest throw open the doors of the cupboard at the beginning of the entree course (yes, the luncheon is done in courses!).  He does this to remind everyone to save room for dessert ... and what a dessert it was!!!

As we were preparing to leave, and were thanking Jim and Dan for their hospitality, Jim said the magic words ... "Would you like to take a Doggie Bag home with you?"

And we did!

Have a happy Sunday, Everyone.


  1. This is indeed an enormous cupboard but so beautiful with room for 70 people's lunch, haha. So many people, I know I can manage about 30 but 70.... You must have had a great day.

  2. HOLY COW!!! I'd like to have a house big enough to hold that baby!


  3. All that and pie too!! Lucky you.

    xo J

  4. Ooooooooh I do love the color of that. All those pies! Magnificent!

  5. That IS a great piece! I've seen a few huge pieces like that in my travels the past few weeks. They're usually priced very well too because it seems there aren't too many places big enough for them.

  6. When Carl and I were in college in Wisconsin, we lived in an old victorian house, and it had a cupboard just like this one in the kitchen--I loved it! So many times over the years I wish I had it, it was worth its weight in gold, as were those pies! :-)

  7. Yep, I think I'd be coveting that cabinet as well!! And to was chock full of pies! Yum ;)

  8. That IS an impressive cupboard! What do they usually store in that cupboard?

  9. Oh how we love doggie bags from friends! Good eats!!

  10. Oh Wow! Love the cupboard! Could build a kitchen around it!

  11. Seventy people! Wow! That was SOME party. AND there was Pie! Fabulous!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I love the cupboard. With or without the pies it is a stunner.


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