
Friday, January 3, 2014

Snow Day

It started snowing last night at about dinnertime, and it was finished by the time The Husband and I went to bed at 11:00.  Considering how much snow some of the places north of here received from this storm, our paltry two inches doesn't hardly qualify.  It sure is pretty to look at, though ... from the warmth of the house, you understand.

It was 20 degrees outside when I checked the thermometer a few minutes ago (which equals -7 for our friends who use the Celsius scale), and the wind is blowing a gale.  I hope those of you who are north of here are okay.  I have seen on this morning's news that you got a whole lot more snow than we did, and your temperatures are even more frigid.

I really don't like windy weather (cold doesn't bother me much, but the wind makes me whiny), so I will enjoy the view from my windows and keep myself occupied doing inside things.  Right now, it is a good day to be a cocoon ... sitting here, with Dorothy beside me, in the recliner next to a warm radiator. 

We have a few Christmas decorations to take down and store ... seems like a good thing to start working on next.


  1. Oh how I love your property!! Enjoy your snuggle time!

  2. Not one single flake of snow fell here. It did however get VERY windy during the night. Wondering if that will be the extent of our winter this year, just wind and cold temps. Your yard looks great be-decked in snow... :)
    Happy New Year by the way....

  3. The snow was very pretty Big fat flakes at first, which I love. We put away the rest of the decorations too.

  4. You are so lucky to have twenty degrees. It was 5 below when I got up this morning and supposed to get even colder the next 5 days. Too cold for me and my poor little chickens. We have about 5 inches of snow. Just enough to make the roads tricky, but not enough to keep people home.
    Stay warm. That's what I intend to do.

  5. It looks great... at your place! Stay warm!

  6. Your place is so pretty-even dressed in winter garments. Love it- xo Diana

  7. Hi Connie, Yes, do stay inside all warm and toasty. It's cold here in Georgia too but no snow. I'm organizing my Christmas decorations to put away. Your property sure looks beautiful.

  8. It does look beautiful, Connie. I am glad you are staying warm. I guess it is going to get even colder.

    Funny, but I love wind. One of the things I miss about south Florida the most is the breezes. Any time we have a windy day, I stand outside to enjoy it blowing through my hair.

  9. at one degree this morning, my barn chores were far more comfortable than yesterday when it was about 18 degrees and the wind was BLOWING. I'm a wind whiner too :-)

  10. Hi Connie, the snow at your place looks indeed lovely, if only the cold wouldn't come with it. As you said, it is probably best to enjoy it from the inside. Here is also some Christmas decoration to take down and store away, but traditionally in Germany, where I am from, that isn't necessary before the 6th of January. So in that case I think I go with the German rule and enjoy the decorations for one more weekend ;-)!


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