
Friday, January 17, 2014

Christmas Has Left the Building

The last bit of Christmas cheer to be packed up and put away was our Christmas tree.  We no longer feel the need to disassemble it and stow it in its box.  It's much easier to carefully lay it onto an old flannel sheet and wrap it up tight.

Doesn't it look like a giant corndog?


  1. I didn't think of a sheet to wrap the tree in. My trees are little so a big garbage bag covers them well.

  2. Looks like a cocoon to me! LOL!

  3. I've been doing just that for about 8yrs now--WaY easier!
    You beat me by a day, I'll start taking everything down t o d a y. : (

  4. HA! Sure, just paint it yellow, dip in butter and call it lunch! LOL

  5. Exactly, Connie. Mine is a smaller four footer so I wired on the ornaments and pop in in a super-size trash can with a sheet for a dust cover.


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