
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Are You a Morning Person?

I'm a morning person ... I know this admission doesn't come as a surprise to most of you.  I like to get up early, when the house is dark and quiet, to have an hour or two all to myself.

This morning's sunrise, as seen from my front porch.

It's time that I use to sit and answer email, read blogs, surf Pinterest, snuggle with Ruby and/or the cats, and get myself centered and mentally prepped for the day ahead.  

How about you?  Do you do best in the morning, or are you a night owl?


  1. Without a doubt I am a morning person. I crash at 9:30 at night and can wake up with the birds quite cheerfully. I love being in the garden early in the morning before anyone else is up. Maybe I'm just a loner, but I sure love my solitude and early mornings do it for me! ;)

  2. I'm a night owl! Up late and then sleep my eight hours. My natural body rhythm. It was hard to adjust to getting up early for so many years with work and kids, but now that I'm retired I let my body go to it's own natural pace!

  3. I like to get up, get out and do whatever needs to be done. I'm sometimes home by 10 a.m. with the day ahead of me to do whatever I want.

  4. I never, ever want to miss a sunrise. Or the moments (sometimes hours) of calm and quiet before it.

  5. I've always been a morning person -- so much to appreciate pre-dawn. xo

  6. I used to be a morning person, and I'd like to get back on that kind of schedule. I love the quiet of the early morning. It's a peaceful time.

  7. I enjoy both times of the day, but morning has the aroma of fresh coffee so it totally rocks.

  8. I'm usually up at five - morning is the best part of the day for me! By 9pm I'm usually in bed.. reading or watching TV.

  9. Hi Connie, Oh, yes, I'm a morning person also. Now that I'm retired, I get up before dawn and I can't keep my eyes open past about 9pm. My husband, however, is a night owl so there's someone awake at our house round the clock, lol.

  10. I wish I could be a morning person -- but I'm a night owl all the way!

  11. I am a borderline personality! Lol. Usually a morning person. But when I'm deep in a project I can easily stay up until 5 or 6 working. I hate leaving things unfinished so I prefer to steam ahead, finish, and then crash. I love my morning coffee and my evening wine.

  12. Wishing you a happy and joyous holiday season, Connie.

  13. I am a definite morning person, and I also savor the peace and quiet.

    I am a bit of a night owl, too. The only problem is I need more sleep. lol

    Merry Christmas.

  14. I naturally wake up around 6 or 6:30 no matter how late I go to bed. I am definitely a morning person. Whenever we are at the beach, I wake up early to watch the sun rise. I find that very calming.

  15. Morning, very early morning. I am always the first up, and I love the hour or two before the house starts stirring. But that also means an early night. Happy New Year Connie!!

  16. Mornings definitely. The other members of my family are more akin to vampires.


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