
Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Glimpse of Thursday, from Alice's Perspective.

It's Ladybug Season.  The outside Ladybugs are doing what they can to become inside Ladybugs, so they can hibernate the winter away in comfort.  This old house has ample cracks and tiny spaces that allow them entry.  When they come in, Alice takes it upon herself to monitor their activity.

Thank goodness we don't get the scourge of Ladybugs that I have heard that some people have in their houses in winter.  We only get a few ... enough to keep Alice occupied and out of trouble, but not so much as to be a problem.


  1. You know, I have seen a few lady bugs in my house lately! I wondered why I was seeing them. Your cat is so cute looking at them! I have a dog that will go after bugs too. If he sees something crawling he tries to eat it! I'm usually happy for him to do it too, except sometimes he has gone after a wasp in the house and then gets stung!

  2. Hi Connie, that is interesting that in your house the ladybugs try to hibernate for the winter. In ours it is ants! I guess, I would prefer ladybugs over ants any time ;-)! Your cat is so beautiful and I love your curtains! Wishing you a nice rest of the day!

  3. She makes a beautiful ladybug monitor!

  4. She is so intent!!! Love it! Charlie follows them when they come inside here also.

  5. I get lacewings, not ladybugs and I can never figure out why!

    They keep my cats entertained. Doesn't it freak you out when the cat starts staring at something and you can't see what they see??! EEEK! lol

  6. What a sweet picture of Alice. No ladybugs here. Maybe it doesn't get cold enough for a long enough period of time. Though, the sleet coming down this evening makes me think it is rather cold outside. Brrr!

  7. Oh- Alice is SO cute- I think she should come and live with me. I have been trying to get Sissie's cat away from her, too- xo Diana

  8. That's funny--so you have an On Duty Home Inspector!
    My poor mother has the same problem with the box elder bugs--yuck!
    *You sure do make me miss my fur-babies....

  9. Our house is only 7 years old and those little things still manage to find their way into the house! We haven't had too many this year even though my daugher claims that they have invaded hers. LOL

  10. I just relocated two ladybugs earlier today. And there have been quite a few stink bugs that made an appearance in the last few days...They took a swim in the toilet.


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