
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Five Years Ago ...

My very first post on this blog was dated November 27, 2008 ... five years ago today.  881 posts later, I have shared a whole lot of stuff in that time.

A view of our house, from 2004, while the mason was at work and before the roof was replaced.  This place has my heart!

The central aisle of my Rose Field garden ... when it was perfect.

Writing a blog was The Husband's idea.  Our conversation went something like this:

"You need to start a blog."

"What's a blog?"

"It's where you write about stuff and publish it online for everyone to read."

"That's stupid."

"At least give it a try ... I've already set it up for you."

You already know how this turned out.

A view of our barn, on a sunny spring morning.  The story of its restoration is HERE.

The on-going porch project ... shared cardboard mock-ups of porch brackets in 2011 ... still haven't done any of it for real, though.

This started as a way to keep a garden and renovation journal, and to document what I do around here so folks who were interested (especially those who were interested in buying the roses in my brand-new-at-that-time nursery operation) could feel like they were a part of the place.  I found this to be way too restrictive for my all-over-the-spectrum interests, so things quickly evolved to include whatever was on my mind, or in my garden or workshop.  This blog is me, after all ... and I wanted to have more freedom to share and explore more parts of myself.

Maggie, my miracle kitty, snoozing in the sunny south-facing family room window.

Silly Dorothy ... curled up with her sister Alice on the sofa.  I think that everyone should adopt sister kittens.

Sweet Daniel ... he's been gone since May ... I still miss him terribly.

During this process, I have learned a lot about myself and I have met so many wonderful people from all over the world.  What I thought would be a solitary pursuit is anything BUT solitary!  We have conversations, both here and off-line via email, which makes this one of my very favorite places to be.

Basement workshop.  This work island is one of the most useful things I have ever made.  Click HERE to see how I built it.

Sanding the mantel in the family room.  I spent months stripping paint from all the moldings and walls in this old place ... see my heat gun and trusty carbide scraper in the background.

It seems appropriate for this anniversary to fall on the day before Thanksgiving, the day each year that we Americans set aside to reflect on and be grateful for the many blessings that we receive.  Thank you, thank you for visiting my little corner of cyberspace as often as you do, for reading what I write, and for caring enough to reach out and leave your thoughts behind in the comments ... I count each of you among MY blessings.