
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Snapshot ... Letting Go

We have been a one-dog family for three-and-a-half months now, since our greyhound Daniel passed in May.  It has been a time of adjustment and acceptance for all of us ... and it's time now for some more adjusting.  Greyhounds and a lot of other large dogs appreciate a soft bed to sleep in, and we had multiple dog beds in almost every room of the main level of our house.  Ruby prefers to sleep on the sofa or one of the leather chairs in the family room, and dog beds have mostly become a place for cats to nap sometimes.

A few weeks ago, I decided that most of the dogs beds needed to go.  They are in good condition, so I thought and thought about what to do with them ... then it hit me.  Kim at Golden Pines fosters and adopts senior Golden Retrievers, and I knew she could use my old beds  for her ever-changing crew of Goldies. 

Loaded up in the back of my Jeep, ready to go to their new home.

I had never met Kim in person until Friday.  She only lives about an hour from here.  We read each other's blogs, and we email back and forth about various things, and I could just tell that she's the type of person that I would really like to get to know better. 

We met at Ekster Antiques' barn sale, near where she lives.  We squealed and hugged and we spent the morning talking mostly about our dogs and sharing details of ourselves while we wandered through the wonders from Europe that Ekster brings together for their sales.  Neither of us bought anything ... we don't need stuff, and it's a bit pricey, but it's so much fun to look at things and gather inspiration.

I knew right away that my dog beds had found a great new home with a family that I can't wait to get to know even better.  If there was any doubt, take a look at this photo that Kim shared on her blog yesterday.

This is CarrieAnn giving her 'paw' of approval for the new beds.

In a way, it was sad to see these dog beds go ... I still get a little bit misty thinking about it.  I had to do it, though, it's time to move on, and letting go is part of this process.  I don't need these anymore.  It helps so much to know that they went to a good home and will be used by such sweet dogs. 

When the time comes for us to get another dog, whenever that will be, I will buy new dog beds just for him/her.  In the meantime, my old ones are finding new life with a great new family ... I did keep two of my favorites for the cats, though.

If you don't read Kim's blog, you are missing out on something special.  I am fortunate to have her close enough to meet her in person, and I fully intend to take advantage of this in the future.  (I took the next step when I got home ... now we're FB friends, too!)

Happy Sunday, Everyone.  I hope it's a great one for you!!


  1. Kim is such a great person, taking care of so many dogs that desperately need a home. I was so happy to see that you had passed the beds on to her family of Goldens. Well, and that little rascal Todd might want one for an occasional nap. Good for you!!! xo

  2. Big step for you and a good one it looks like. Love the photo of Carrie Anne enjoying the beds!

  3. This is a big change for you, but seems to be a good plan. How lovely to donate your dog beds to such a worthy cause. We are a no dog family for some time now and just thinking it is time to change that. My husband spends hours searching the 'rescue' sites. P. x

  4. What a wonderful thing to do Connie, and I'm sure it was very hard, but they will be well used it sounds like. And I almost went to the sale on Friday, but decided I didn't need would have been fun to see you though! Now I'm off to check out Kim's blog!


  5. So good to donate these dogbeds to a rescue, but I understand very well it is difficult to say definitely goodbye to most of the Daniel things.
    An now I go and have a look at Kim's blog.

  6. Awww, Connie, I couldn't have done it, but I sure have a lot of admiration for those who can, especially for such a good cause!

  7. No less than I have come to expect from you, Connie. You have a most generous heart and always follow through with action.

  8. It's really tough losing a pet but what a wonderful way to turn that loss into a gift. It just warms my heart.

  9. Hello Connie! As I write this every single one of your dog beds are being used! At one point this afternoon, Todd and Charlie were enjoying one together, a rare thing. Its been good for us to get rid of 2 of our really worn out beds, and replace them with yours, plus 2! Thank-you doesn't seem like enough to say, because I know how hard it is to let go of the connection we feel to things that belonged to our beloved pets. Just know they really are being put to good use and will be well used and enjoyed, especially as the colder temps come.

    I also really, really enjoyed meeting you--Finally!! Being with you and Deborah I felt like I was enjoying the morning with friends that I've known for a long time, it was such fun! I hope we can get together again soon!!

  10. Twas a very good thing you have done Miss Connie! But then you are just that type of person...good. Happy to call you my friend.

    Janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  11. What a wonderful thing you did :) This post made me misty too. Great that you got to meet Kim and those dog beds will make many a dog happy and cozy. Have a great week!

  12. The smile on that Golden's face says it all! You gave such an incredibly generous gift of love that will be needed and loved by so many doggies needing a soft place to nap.

  13. Oh how I love this post and to know that these beds went to the best doggie place in the whole wide world. You and Kim both deserve all those hugs and squeals you exchanged... such great blogger.. both of you!

    And just look at CarrieAnn acting out the Princess and the Pea story. LOL

  14. It is nice of you to donate. It is also hard to let go...

  15. So envious that you have met Kim -- we have been blog friends for a few years now. She is such a sweet soul and I'm so happy that your dog beds are going to her home -- what wonderful connections we make here. xo

  16. Oh every time I read her blog I am moved to tears. She is such an inspiration. Very happy turn in the story to know those beds are with those who need them.


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