
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Got Another One!

Groundhog #5, trapped and relocated.

This is not one of the varmints that has been eating my figs.  I saw this guy near the hosta bed by our pavilion yesterday, and I put the trap there today.  It didn't take long for the lure of cantaloupe to work its magic.

Now that I'm back in the swing of groundhog trapping, I guess I should turn my attention to the ones by the barn ... if I have hope of getting any figs for myself this year.  Stay tuned.


  1. My guess is they're finding their way back from wherever you're relocating them--they miss their paradise! It's like groundhog heaven there! :)

  2. This one does not look happy.♥♫

  3. Goodness, it looks quite healthy, must be getting plenty to eat, that's for sure! I've heard of hog heaven, guess your place is groundhog heaven.

  4. Oh, Connie. I’m so glad you are back home. The same thing is happening with our figs, only it’s squirrels. The little rascals also cleaned out our blueberries. I’m beginning to think the farmers market is the best bet. My husband us saying squirrel stew as I type this. Enjoy your week!

  5. You've had a bumper crop of groundhogs this year!

  6. Another great catch!! I've not seen our resident ground hogs in a couple of weeks, I'm thinking they must've hitched a ride in your direction!

  7. As cute as they are they are SOOO destructive. As a kid growing up on the farm they could ruin a tractor in a field if you hit one of their "homes" with a front tire. Farmers, of course, just shoot them.

    My son has a family of them living under his house- He is way too tender-hearted because there are babies. I told them he HAS to trap them & remove them- otherwise they will undermine the foundation of his house- xo Diana

  8. Woohoo!! You go girl! That one looks like a bigun' btw ;)


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