
Friday, September 6, 2013

Five Things for Friday

The roses in my new garden behind the greenhouse are doing very, very well.  Even the teeny tiny ones have settled in and are growing like crazy.  The garden itself, though, still needs me to finish the mulch.  Three more pick-up loads, which equals about six cubic yards, should do it. 

One of the roses in that garden opened its first flower yesterday.  This is 'Mrs. Robinson', a Floribunda from Cliff Orent in California.  This rose has everything that I love most in roses ... single row of petals and colorful stamens.  It's still a baby and it's kind of floppy right now.  I hope it will stiffen up and grow more upright as it matures.

I have noticed that the new leaves on the ends of some of my long rose canes are being eaten by something, starting at the tip of the cane and working downward.  A careful look at the underside of the leaves showed these little guys, Curly Rose Slugs.  I don't use insecticides, and there really weren't enough of them in the garden to justify it anyway.  I just spent a little time checking all of the roses that had damage, and I picked and flicked the little critters one by one.

I am leaving later this morning to go to my brother's house in SW Virginia to finish painting his kitchen cabinets.  In preparation to be gone for a few days, I moved my potted roses to a central location to make it easier for The Husband to keep an eye on them for me.  These little pots contain rooted cuttings from friends and rustling excursions.  I think they will be big enough in the next month, to have some to sell at a fall open garden day/weekend in October.  Stay tuned.

The big-leafed things up by the seat are figs ... They will definitely be for sale.

I have little appreciation for vinyl stick family decals ... but these, on a van parked beside me at the store yesterday, made me smile.


I have been thinking and thinking about how to pack and transport the doors and drawer fronts for my brother's kitchen so they don't get damaged on the trip.  Yesterday morning, I had a brainstorm ... pack them in pillowcases!  Now all of them are packaged and ready to load into the car.

Speaking of loading the car, I should hush now and get to it.  Most things are gathered and ready to go, so it won't take long.  I have no cell phone service where I'm going, and I don't know the status of Internet access, so I may be out of communication here till the middle of next week or so.

It's a beautiful day for a road trip!

(Happy "Random Five Friday", Everyone!)


  1. Holy cow, no cell and no Internet? I hope you have a great time and I'm sure you will show us the finished result. Travel safely!

  2. Darn those slugs!

    I'm looking forward to a full photo account of the kitchen results, when you are able!

  3. Whenever I pull beetles and drop them in the walk in the garden and smash them. It's amazing how quickly the birds find them for a snack.

    Would love to know what you're using to paint cabinets and if you're doing anything in particular to prep them.

  4. Have fun and do drive careful on I-81. It's a madhouse!

  5. What a lucky brother, like the others I hope we get to see your finished project. Hope the traffic is easy going...

  6. have a fun and safe trip! i'm not a fan of those decal families either but that one is cute. i did see one the other day that i liked with mary, joseph and baby jesus!

  7. Have a good trip!

    Those curly slugs are creepy little things, aren't they?

  8. Have fun painting, Connie. I always love coming here to visit. It is like chatting with an old friend- xo Diana

  9. Pillowcases -- genius. :)

    Enjoy your visit and drive safely Connie. xo

  10. Once we at a family reunion and none us could get cell phone service. I discovered the oil spot halfway down the driveway had a signal. It became the most popular spot of the week. We even took lawn chairs out to our “phone booth.” Enjoy your trip, Connie. Travel light.

  11. Love hearing about your days on your beautiful rose farm, Connie! Have fun with your painting project and look forward to hearing about it all when you get back! I've got a couple questions for you about over-wintering my whiskey barrel roses! :)
    xoxo laurie

  12. ugh.slugs. They are not welcome. Glad you got rid of them.

    You clever thing.. packing things up in pillow cases.

  13. Hi sweet friend! I wanted to
    drop in and thank you for your
    wonderful advice to "live more
    like a dog." Events since you
    left that comment have made
    your advice even more relevant
    and I am trying to focus on the
    moment, rather than the future
    or the past. I have a necklace
    given to me by a dear friend
    several years ago. One side says
    "Bark Less" and the other side
    says, "Wag More." We can
    certainly learn a lot from our
    canine loves. I hope your trip
    was a great success. Your brother
    is so lucky to have you!!!

    xo Suzanne

  14. Oh I can't wait to see pictures of the kitchen!


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