
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Warning: This Post is All Over the Place

Sitting here trying to make sense of all of the photos I have taken recently, and it can't be done.  I'm rarely without access to something that I can use to take a picture (two cameras, my phone, or my iPad), and I have been known to take dozens of seemingly-random photos on a given day. 

Can't make these weave a cohesive theme, except that this is all stuff that I saw over the past couple of days.  There's a lot of stuff here for you to see this morning ... you may want to refill your coffee cup before you get started.

The weather has been cloudy and cooler than normal for the past two days.  Two thunderstorms on Thursday night dropped a lot of rain ... after which the sky was a beautiful shade of pink.

All that rain made the soil very receptive to weed pulling ... which is what I did all day on Friday.  My Rose Field is horrible (I'm not overstating the situation by using the word "horrible"), and I am beginning the process of reclaiming it by starting on the center aisle.  While I worked, I was distracted by dozens of butterflies flying around me ... attracted by the thistles there that are taller than I am.


By mid-afternoon, I had cleared my way about halfway down the center aisle.  Where there was once fallen roses and weeds as high as my shoulders, I now had the beginnings of a real live path again.  It's not pretty yet, but it's passable and I'm energized by the progress and will keep at it when I can ... I let this once-beautiful garden get into such a sorry state ... and I'm determined that one day it will be beautiful again.

Now that it's August, there are only a few roses blooming ... most of the garden is in between cycles, and everything is gearing up for the fall flush.  I did find a few roses with photo-worthy flowers on them.  It's important for me to concentrate on whatever I find that's beautiful while I work, so I stay motivated and energized to keep on with the awful job of pulling and cutting all the weeds.  At least the weather was relatively nice, and I really like working outside ... even if it's a nasty job that I'm doing.

'Country Doctor' ... I didn't see the tiny spider on the bud until I was editing the photo.

'Renae' on an arch in the Rose Field, blooming despite the sorry conditions.

'White Cap' is my BEST climbing rose!
We caught Groundhog #4 on Friday afternoon.  It was an adult, and he/she went to live with the others at the abandoned house down road.  I didn't bother to bait and reset the traps on Saturday.  While I worked in the Rose Field, The Husband was mowing for most of the day ... so the remaining groundhogs laid low because of all the noise and commotion.  I will be setting them today, though.

Speaking of The Husband, he is currently working on a portrait of a friend's granddaughter.  Here is the artist at work, putting the finishing touches on the underpainting ... soon to begin adding details and highlights to make this portrait come to life. 
I had to run to Lowes for something on Friday, and I did a bit of window shopping in the tile department while I was there.  I found the most beautiful watery blue glass tile mosaic sheets!  Mind you, I nave no projects here that I can use this on ... thought I'd pass it along in case any of you are looking to add some sparkle and color to one of your projects.
Japanese Beetles are still here, though I think their numbers are dwindling.  It's been a longer Beetle Season than I remember in recent years, hopefully they will be gone in another week or two.  I left them alone this year ... too much other stuff to do to spend precious time knocking beetles into buckets of soapy water.
Japanese Beetles on 'Perle d'Or'
My Hummingbirds are still draining my one-quart feeder every two days.  I could stand at the kitchen window, or by the feeder on the deck, and watch them for hours.  It's amazing how close the little critters let me get, as long as I'm standing still.  Took this photo with my iPad ... I was close enough at the time to almost reach out and touch the feeder.
The pets here are always a source of cute photos.  Dorothy and Alice like lounging on windowsills ... the ones here are 12-inches deep, so there's plenty of room for them to stretch out.  Dorothy's favorite place is her shoebox in the dining room window.  Alice is usually on the cat bed in the family room window ... for this photo, though, she was keeping me company in the sewing room.
Dorothy loves her shoebox so much, I don't have the heart to move it.
Cute cat lounging on a cat pillow ... perfect!
Today dawned bright and sunny, with a light breeze.  It's a beautiful view out the window, beside me as I'm sitting at the counter in the kitchen. 
Temperature is cool, and it looks like it will be a perfect day to get back to work in the Rose Field.  Having made such good progress out there for the past two days, I'm excited to get back to it and see what else I can accomplish. 
Happy Sunday, Everyone ... it's a beautiful one here in Hartwood!


  1. You have so many pretty random photos, I'm glad you shared them today. The butterflies are beautiful.

    Good Luck capturing those final rodents. And have a very nice Sunday!!

  2. I like this post even it's 'all over the place'! Lots of beauty and great shots! Good luck today with the weeds.

  3. I sat here with my cup of coffee and thoroughly enjoyed the photos of your everyday life! The butterfly photos are stunning and a cat with a cat pillow is always a favorite with me. Enjoy your Sunday!


  4. It is gorgeous here today!!!...much like your beautiful random images! I love the butterfly pics, and you are becoming the queen of groundhog wrangling.


  5. Butterflies galore around our place this past week or two. Maybe it's because of a bit cooler temps. I'm soooo glad we are having a cooler August thus far.

    Love that blue tile. I don't have a place for it in my home either, but it's sure nice!

  6. Aaaaaaahhh. *sigh

    I enjoyed this very much. I'd also enjoy some of the cooler weather you're having. Lucky girl!

  7. Your cats are beauties and look like they are thinking deep thoughts. Your photos of the flowers and butterflies are super.

  8. Loved this post....can't say we can share the same weather reports, however the determination factor between us "soul sister rosarians" is mutual! Can't wait to see you in Nov and wish I could be there is it they say....maybe next year?


  9. Another enjoyable post from start to finish! I know what you mean about having to keep focused while doing a job you don't like--I keep that in mind when doing those same kinds of jobs.

    Your husband is a very talented artist--The portrait is beautiful. I admire the talent of those who like your husband can draw and those who can make beautiful things grow like you do! :-)

    I hope you've enjoyed your day, the weather has just been amazing today, hasn't it?

  10. I got so much weeding done this weekend, I really feel like I accomplished something. Roses are geering up for their next bloom at my house also. I didn't pick one japanese beetle this season, but they were out there. Oh well. I stopped many times to watch the butterflies also, as I have tons of Phlox, they were all over the place, even introduced Madison to them. She was in awe. She loves being in my garden. Have another beautiful day of working outside, I'm envious, but a little sore from all the work, so I'll rest in my office. :) Happy Monday Connie!

  11. Hi Connie, Enjoy your photographs and hearing what you've been up to! Perle d'Or is one of my favorite roses - hate to see a nasty Japanese beetle eating on it. I'm looking forward to our first touch of fall ...

  12. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Weeding is a pain, but it is rewarding to see the immediate fruits of your labor.

    Happy Gardening!

  13. My heart is with you on the reclaiming of a garden.

    It's heartening to hear/see how much you have already done.

    Soooo lucky with this weather.

    Loved all your photos, butterflies, cat in a box, artist at work, not random, just a day or two in the life.

    xo Jane

  14. Your husband is a wonderful artist. I did not mind the post being "all over the place". Nice images.

  15. Truly flowers spread happiness around for love ..wonderful post!!

  16. The way you describe your summer days sounds is so beautiful, Connie. Mornings sitting by your window contemplating the chores ahead with a cup of tea in hand. This cooler weather has been such a blessing, hasn't it? Just perfect for weeding and pruning. :) Definitely a taste of the fall weather that'll be knocking at our door soon. ♥

    xoox laurie

  17. Oh....and I forgot to say that I didn't know your husband was an artist! And a good one, too! :)

    xoxo laurie

  18. I LOVE the photos you got of the swallowtails on the thistle blossoms. WOW! So gorgeous! And what a great capture of the feeding hummingbird too.

    I'm like you... if one of the cats claims a new favorite spot I have a hard time disturbing it. So often shoeboxes end up staying in places far longer than they should. *wink*

  19. LOVED this post ... but my favorites are the spider on the rosebud -- what a lucky spider to live in such lush surroundings .. and the cat in the box.

    Our Gilda dog has made a bed for herself in a box, too, with a sofa pillow placed there by ... her. I don't have the heart to more it, either, but it's not exactly snazzing up the sunroom!

    Ah pets. Way more fun than weeds. I, too, have eye-level thistles and other muscle bound weeds to tackle. But lots FEWER of them!


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