
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Having Breakfast with Ruby

When I have cereal for breakfast, the routine is always the same.  Right now I'm working on a box of Raisin Bran Crunch, and I like it best with a banana cut up into it.  As soon as I pull a banana off the bunch, I can count on having company.   

Ruby loves banana.  She knows right where to be for the process, too ... the cabinet in front of her nose contains a pull-out trash can, where she knows I will be standing when I peel the banana.

Notice that she's still lying on the rug, even though she knows that the banana is peeled and she's practically drooling with anticipation.  This is because we have trained her well ... she has to sit to get treats and she has to lie down to get the REALLY good stuff (like cat food cans and banana pieces.)

I break off a little piece of banana butt, give it to her, and our morning routine is complete.

This started years ago with Daniel.  He used to hang out in the kitchen, hoping for a treat or a scrap, which he rarely got.  I had a brainstorm one day, and I began to experiment with different foods, to see what he would and wouldn't eat, taking advantage of his excitement.  Found that banana was one of his favorite things.  He always used to get a really funny look on his face while he was chewing it.  When Ruby joined the family last year, she was cautious about banana at first ... but big-brother Daniel liked it, so she figured that she would, too. 

... and the tradition continues.


  1. Ours come to the kitchen for certain food items too. Izzy gets underfoot a bit too much but we just adore her sweetness. In general they just lie down VERY near the kitchen and wait. Pups are so much fun, aren't they.

  2. Aww, that is like Quinn and Misty, but with blueberries!


  3. Haha, Ruby looks so sweet but it is just the banana she wants. When I make my breakfast and open the fridge Snarf is always there, he wants cheese. If I try to give him something else a dog cookie for instance, he is accepting it but takes it outside to bury it in the garden.

  4. Well I would never have guessed. Will have to try this here...huh, who knew?

  5. Awwww, such restraint. Good dog!

  6. I love Ruby! With our dogs it's lettuce. Or of course, bologna!

  7. I always laugh when Charlie begs for a 'bite' of something I'm eating. I love how Ruby gets her bite of banana and the 'banana butt' is perfect description of the end of the banana!

  8. You hit a chord this morning, Connie. Our Argyle loves the ritual of the banana . . . he properly sits in perfect stance at rapt attention until the last piece is his . . .JOY!

  9. I had a pony they would "beg" for the banana in my lunch. If it did not come out of the lunch bag fast enough, she would put her nose in the bag to get it. My dogs never liked fruit. Seems like Rudy likes the ritual.

  10. I had a pony they would "beg" for the banana in my lunch. If it did not come out of the lunch bag fast enough, she would put her nose in the bag to get it. My dogs never liked fruit. Seems like Rudy likes the ritual.

  11. I had a pony they would "beg" for the banana in my lunch. If it did not come out of the lunch bag fast enough, she would put her nose in the bag to get it. My dogs never liked fruit. Seems like Rudy likes the ritual.

  12. Hee hee -- reminds me of my Buck. The "forced" lay down pose. So cute.

    Mine won't touch any type of veggie or fruit. What the heck? :)


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