
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day of Rest

Even though Monday's weather was perfect for yard work, I took the day off from the garden.  Instead, I spent time with Daughter #3 ... shopping and eating and laughing.  I don't shop very often, unless you count junk shopping. 

Our daughter is outfitting a new house, so her sights were on drapes and curtain rods and the like.  Me?  I need some fresh items to perk up my very grey, very predictable wardrobe.  I found a few things that I liked ... including a grey maxi skirt at The Gap, which doesn't do anything to alleviate the overwhelming 'greyness' in my closet.  (What can I say?  I like grey and I look good in it.) 

My favorite buy of the day was this sweater from Forever 21.  As soon as I saw it, I knew that I HAD to have it!

Now I can't wait till it's chilly enough to wear it!  It's perfectly perverse, and absolutely, positively ME!!


  1. Very much wish I lived closer to better shopping areas. The shirt is really cute!

  2. Girl, since when is shopping considered rest? You must enjoy it a lot more than I do, I think it's very stressful and exhausting.

    The sweater... are you trying to say you might, possibly have a potty mouth? Hahaha!

  3. Connie, You're hilarious with the shirt. Glad you had a relaxing day.

  4. Gray is my major closet color, too. Nothing wrong with that!


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