
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shhhh ... Be Vewwy, Vewwy Quiet

I'm hunting groundhogs.

The humane trap is on duty, prepared to do its thing.  I baited it with cantaloupe (which the trap manufacturer says their tests show to be the most irresistible.)  This groundhog ate all the pieces of cantaloupe that led up to the trap, but ignored the ones toward the back of the trap beyond the trip plate. 

I put more cantaloupe out this morning.  Wish me luck ... it's just a matter of time ... and I have the game camera set to capture all the action as it happens.


  1. Good luck! We have a bunch here, but most of them stay out of the fenced area because of the dogs.


  2. ...and I thought we were hunt'n wabbits.

  3. Pesky rodents. Reminds me that I haven't had any cantaloupe in a while....lots of watermelon but no cantaloupe. Might be a day for Trader Joe's.

  4. Heh Heh Heh... shhhh, me iz being vewy vewy quiet and cannot wait to watch the rodent video.....

  5. Good luck. My son has a whole family of them living under his back deck and no way to get to them without tearing up the He thinks the babies are kind of cute! xo Diana

  6. I hope they are easier to catch than rabbits! Good luck!

  7. We had an Armadillo living and breeding under our deck when we lived in Texas. We set up a Have-A-Heart trap and my neighbor said to use canned salmon as bait because they loved salmon. WTH!!! How did a Texas Armadillo ever develop a taste for SALMON?????? Not exactly a native fish. We laughed for a year over this.

    Happy hunting...Janet xox

  8. I read an article the other day about how they catch feral cats and the "trick" seems to be using only one piece of the bait of choice and moving it closer and closer to the trap opening each day until it's eventually inside the trap. Seems the cats don't notice the trap on the last day. Not sure if groundhogs are smarter than cats. :)


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