
Monday, May 6, 2013

The First Roses of the Year!

Last week, on Thursday to be exact, the first roses opened in my garden!  As it is most years, the first one was 'Climbing Rouletii' ... a beautiful monster of a climbing China rose that I absolutely adore.

My 'Climbing Rouletii' was knocked off its arch in a storm last year, and I never took the time to put it back up, so its canes are arching over all of its neighbor roses.  Once it finishes blooming, I will have to cut it to a more manageable size so I can get it back to where it belongs.  In the meantime, I am enjoying the wonderful mayhem.

A close rose relative of 'Climbing Rouletii' is also blooming now, "Mableton Rouletii".  This little miniature China was found at an estate in California.  It is different enough from the identified varieties of Rouletii to justify calling it by the study name, and enclosing the name in the double quotes.

While 'Climbing Rouletii' wants to be ten feet tall, "Mableton Rouletii" is barely three feet tall and wide.  The flowers on both roses are only a little over an inch in diameter.

One more China rose that's beginning to bloom is 'Old Blush' ... one of the original roses imported from China in the late 18th Century.

I was surprised to see flowers on the top of 'Sarah Van Fleet', a rugosa rose that I recommend for gardens who can handle her size ... my plant is about seven feet tall and six feet wide.  The flowers are on the top of the plant, so I had to point my camera WAY up to photograph them.

It's really exciting to finally have roses to share.  The roses aren't the only flowers in the garden, however.

This clematis is always the first one to flower.  I don't know which one it is, because it grows through a huge rambler and I can't get anywhere close to the base of the plant to read the tag.  These flowers are larger than my hand!

My little patch of Lily of the Valley in the bed on the shady side of our pavilion is getting established quite nicely.  I have tried and failed to grow this in two other spots in our yard, so I'm thrilled that I finally found a spot that makes it happy.

On the sunny side of the pavilion, this tree peony has just opened its first flower of the year ... with three more buds following right behind this one.  (I don't know what variety this is, because I lost the tag.)

In the greenhouse, there are flowers on 'Climbing Baby Darling' (a sweet climbing miniature rose).  It looks as if the flowers are pressing their faces to the glass, wanting to go out to the garden with all the other roses. 

Patience, little rose.  Your time will come, and you will get your own spot in the garden very soon ... I promise.

All of these photos were taken this afternoon.  I imagine that things are going to start happening very quickly, once this weather front moves through in the next few days and sunny, warm weather returns.  As soon as I have a better idea of timing, and I see when my calendar will allow me to be here, I will let you know when the garden will be open for visitors.  In the meantime, expect to be totally overloaded with roses for the next few weeks.  It's going to be glorious!


  1. Oh my goodness, what a plethora of riches.

    If I had even one of those roses I would consider myself a lucky woman.

    I feel a road trip coming on...

    xo Jane

  2. From start to finish your flowers are absolutely beautiful and I can almost smell them from here!! I still don't have anything blooming, but my flowers on on their way!

  3. I don't know the white rose is...the one you said you lost the tag, but it's gorgeous

  4. I love all the pinks. I am happy you stuck with the lily of the valley. It is looking amazing.

  5. Everything looks amazingly beautiful, Connie! Don't forget to take time to smell them, you busy lady, you!

  6. Oh happy day the roses are starting to bloom. Last week I also noticed my Old Blush bushes around the arbor have started to bloom, my camera was safely in the house. This is the season we rose growers get so excited to see an open bud!! Right now my roses are getting their much needed watering. Have a great day!

  7. A Monday road trip is in order very soon!!!!!

    Glorious photos Connie...especially love the roses at the greenhouse sweet!

    Janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  8. Just beautiful!...

    We planted four New Dawns this week and all our others look very happy so far (no blooms yet) although we are experiencing drought!

  9. Oh, lovely, lovely! It's so exciting when the roses start to bloom. I love that little mini climber, looking out the window. I can only imagine your garden in full bloom - what a sight that must be! Wish I was close enough to visit.

  10. Connie, Your roses are lovely. My Climbing Pinkie is blooming and putting on quite the show. Spring is so delightful.

  11. Oh I must have patience....I'm about 3 weeks or more out from roses, Connie.

  12. Your climbing Rouletti looks so beautiful, never heard of this rose before. And even your Old Blush is already flowering,here in Holland it does not even show buds. Usually it starts flowering in June but goes on till December.

  13. The first roses are what I wait for all year. Lucky you ! Such lovely blooms. We will have to wait for some weeks yet, here in the uk, although the plants are growing away strongly now, and are in full leaf/

  14. You're right! Climbing Baby Darling does look like an anxious little kid wanting to go outside and play. How adorable.

    I have so much to learn about roses. I don't even know when to use single quotes and double quotes on names when I post about mine. Oh well... I'll learn eventually. :-)

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  15. Happy, happy spring, Connie!

  16. I can never get enough of your roses! Gorgeous! Great photos!

  17. Wow - breathtaking! I wish I lived closer. I adore roses and I need to find the perfect easy care ones for my sunny southern bed.

  18. The tree peony is amazing! What a gorgeous bloom!


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