
Friday, April 26, 2013

Sunshine, Blue Sky, and Green Leaves

As I sit here in my usual spot at the kitchen counter, the bright morning sunshine is beautiful.  Notice in the photo below how the trees are leafing out and everything is turning green.  My winter, bare-trees view of our barn in the distance will soon be gone.

Dorothy is beside me, hiding on the cluttered counter in my pile of stuff that needs to be put away.  Looks like a still life, doesn't it?  Tape dispenser, cordless phone, pile of notebooks and pads of paper, an antique clock, my scarf from yesterday ... and my sweet, odd-ball cat.

 My iPad was under the scarf ... until I picked it up to use it to take these photos.

I am planning to spend a few hours working in the garden  today... my scratch pad holds a list of ten roses that I hope to get planted.  For those of you who are curious about these things, the roses are:  'Garisenda', 'Thelma', 'Golden Glow', 'Coralie', 'Climbing American Beauty', 'Etain', 'Weetwood', 'Flora', 'Alchymist', and 'Queen of the Prairies'.  These are all once-blooming ramblers/climbers with large flowers, and I am planting them on the fence in my new rose border behind the greenhouse.  (I will dig out photos of them for a future post ... not taking the time to do it this morning.)

If you need me, I'll be in the garden.


  1. I took the same photo (Iphone) as I got in my car this morning. Sunshine, blue skies, and little green leaves catching the light!!! I'm loving it!

  2. Very cute kitty photo! Oh and yes, the proverbial 'pile o stuff' on the counter. I guess that's what counters were made for.

    My mountain views are waning as well since the leafing out process has begun. Oh well. Nothing ever stays the same now, does it?

  3. I can not wait to see your roses. I only have room for one climber until we finish building so I am having a hard time deciding which one I want.

  4. Normally you are ahead of us, but this year it looks like your late snows have put us ahead of you for things blooming and leafing out.

    And just so you know...we planted 8 roses yesterday. I blame you for my rose obsession ya know! Happy planting today!


  5. What a great photo!! I have more then one pile of 'stuff' that needs putting away so I think I'll get to that today! I have kitties sitting on placemats left of my table! Ugh!

    hugs Linda

  6. Your list of roses to be planted made me smile. Oh that I had more room to have a planting list again.

    Instead I've been out in the garden (like you) except I've been cutting. After a beautiful early spring bloom, I think I may have lost my Gold Medal rose to something and had to cut it way back, disinfect the cuts (and my pruners) and hope the roots are strong enough that it can come back.

    Hope you get all yours in the ground and on their way!

  7. Connie, Thanks for giving us the names of the roses ... I used to avoid once-bloomers but now I know they have their place in the garden too. Enjoy your day!

  8. Anne, once-bloomers are a wonderful feature of every garden that can give them a place to thrive. I like to use them like this, as a background for repeat blooming roses, or as a leafy green accent. In general, once-bloomers are easier to care for and give more flowers than lots of the repeat blooming roses. I haven't even mentioned the fragrance .... yummm!

  9. I like how you see life in a frame, Connie. Yes, it is a wonderful composition of color and life. We may not be able to copy Versailles, but we can plunk a water plant in a container and enjoy beauty if we choose to see outside the box. Today is window box planting day for me. One of my favorite spring happenings. Happy planting ~ happy weekend.

  10. I always LOVE those photos out your windows, Connie! They somehow, someway reflect your inner soul. :) It almost feels like I'm sitting right there next to you. ♥ You have alot more green in your trees than we do...but it's slooooowwwwly appearing. Spring is just crawling this year. lol

    xoxo laurie


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