
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sick Day

I'm not feeling well.  There's a stomach bug going around, and I have it.  All day yesterday, I was camped on the family room sofa like a lump, without the energy or inclination to do much of anything.  Today, I feel better than I did yesterday, so perhaps I've turned the corner and am on my way to recovery and normal activity ... we can hope. I don't get sick very often, thank goodness.

Ruby is taking advantage of the fact that I'm sitting in a chair right now, and am not in my nest on the sofa.

Dorothy is in my lap, making it very hard to type.
Here you get a glimpse of my favorite fleece cupcake PJs.
I can't just sit around and be sick today, though, because I have things to take care of.  My brother's mother-in-law passed away two days ago, and we are traveling to southwest Virginia for her funeral.  My husband is out of town till tomorrow on business, my car is WAY past due for oil change and rotating its tires, Ruby and Daniel need a place to stay while we are gone ....
I'd better get cracking, because I have a LOT to do ... I'll just try the best I can to not overdo.


  1. ...tomorrow you'll be back to your old self.. and I am coveting those fleece cupcake PJ's..

  2. I hope you feel better. Don't work too hard or you won't be better when it's time to go to Viriginia, and that would be bad.

  3. Sending you good healing thoughts, prayer and much love. And energy! It looks as if the critters are the good medicine you need....
    Don't over do it :)

    So sorry on the loss of your family member. Be safe in your travels.
    xo, misha

  4. Hope you are all better today Connie. I am delighted to hear the Rose work day at Hollywood was a success! I know you worked hard on this project. And seeing your tiny little rose sprout is so exciting. Can't wait to follow it's progress. xo

  5. Hope you feel better soon, Connie! That is what I did today-got my oil changed and tires rotated....must be the time of year. Good luck on your trip. That is never fun to make a trip for that purpose-xo Diana

  6. We've been sick here too, so I know how you feel. I hope you feel better so that you can have a safe trip. Get well, and I'm sorry for your loss!


  7. Sending you wellness thoughts! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  8. I hope you're able to feel well enough to get all the things done on your to do list. Get well soon!

  9. Dorothy looks so content! :) But, try not to overdo it, Connie. I hope you feel better soon. So sorry to hear about your brother's MIL.

  10. Some gOOd medicine--cuddling with the fur-babies! Hope you're feeling better really soon, and safe travels to the funeral~

  11. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  12. Love your jammies, Connie. I’m sorry for your family loss. As echoed here before safe travel and hope you are well by now.

  13. I hope you feel better soon!


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