
Friday, April 19, 2013

Rose Propagation Display at the Culpeper Flower Show

Tomorrow is the annual Culpeper Garden Club Flower Show.  I was asked by the club to do an educational display ... hard to do something showy right now since it's early in the season and none of the roses have any flowers on them.  After thinking on it for a while, I decided to make a display to teach folks how to root roses from cuttings ... using baby roses from the greenhouse as the live material in the display.

The kitties always provide more help than I can handle when I'm working on something important like this.  (Here you see Alice trying to make me believe that she isn't interested in stealing the cap from my glue stick.)

As I began to dry fit the parts of the display board, Alice pitched in to add ballast so the board wouldn't tip over.
Being helpful like this is hard work and it makes a kitty sleepy.
Since helping was obviously wearing Alice out, Dorothy pitched in to give her a hand.  (and entertain herself by playing with Alice's tail.)
Here is the rough result ... I will do a more pleasing job of arranging the plants and photos once I'm at the show tomorrow.  I went old-school with this display, with hand-mounted photos and labels pinned to the backboard.
If you're near Culpeper, Virginia, and you want to learn to propagate roses, plan to visit the Culpeper Garden Club Flower Show tomorrow, Saturday, April 20.  I will be there from noon to 5:00 to answer questions.  If I can, I am planning to do live demonstrations throughout the day.  (that's what the bouquet of florist roses is for.)

The horticulture and education portion of the show is in the Hazel River Inn Armory at 197 E. Davis St, Culpeper, VA.   Designs will be displayed throughout the beautifully-restored Hill House at 501 South East Street.   Admission is free.


  1. Good job, Connie... and I'm sure the girls were a big help. Ha!

  2. What a great display but I gotta tell you that the interaction behind the display is fascinating! xo Diana

  3. Nice display. Sounds like a fun day tomorrow. Hope you have a great time!

  4. What a really nice display! I thought of you earlier today when I saw that Leesburg (not far from me) is having their flower and garden show tomorrow. Enjoy your show!!

  5. Hi Connie, What an excellent display!

  6. Great display! I'm certain it will be a hit. Although I think the earlier versions including one or two cats would be even more popular. ;-)

  7. What a great display - and a wonderful idea! I think your demonstrations will be very popular. Too bad your kitties won't be at the flower show to help you out!

  8. Funny you mention this. I am going to be "layering" roses at a museum I volunteering at. I have hard the hardest time rooting roses...except for those that were left in a 5 gallon bucket used for garbage that rooted.

    Today, I was gonna take some low lying stems from a climber, wound it, rootone, dirt, sod staple and about two months...that has been my "idiot's" guide to rooting..still can't get over the garbage pail thing..

  9. I like your helpers! Cats seem to know just where to be don't they! Your display looks great- I hope the show went well!

  10. Indeed, very nice..


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