
Saturday, March 2, 2013

There ... That's Much Better

Last week, Tara Dillard posted a photo and posed a question that struck a nerve with me.  She said, "You think we don't see the grill killing the views?"

photo:  Cote de Texas, via Tara Dillard.
I looked up, and from my perch on the barstool at the kitchen counter I saw this:
How could I have been ignoring this for the entire five-and-a-half years that we have lived here? 
It took less than a minute and a half to remedy the situation.
The grill is now to the left of the doorway ... still convenient to use, and out of my line of sight.
Tara calls this "The Vanishing Threshold" ... making the inside transition to outside as seamlessly and beautifully as possible ... and vice versa. 
Hey, Tara, thanks for the virtual kick in the pants! 


  1. Haha. Good job. Much better now.

    In other news, I saw a fellow walking a greyhound this morning. The dog was wearing a coat and looked great.

  2. But what about the bar in the middle of the door? LOL! It's like my house - dust? What dust? Actually - isn't it funny how this happens. It got me thinking. I sit in the same place in my livingroom. One day I sat in a totally different spot and the view gave me a TOTALLY different perspective. I ended up hanging pictures and re-arranging plants. The I sat in all different spots in the room and I can't tell you the changes that I made. Who knew???

  3. The hardest site's to see are our own.

    Have you considered staining your deck? Perhaps a shade darker than the door in the pic.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  4. IT is much better! I just looked out my window and see the porch railing getting in the way of my view--I wish I could remove that, imagine the photos I'd get of my birds then! :-)

    Stay warm today!!

  5. Yes, so much better. Guess what I'm staring at out the french doors of my famiiy room right now? A red Vespa in a motorcycle cover - must be moved today!

  6. Interesting observation -- but I have a blue-tarped mountain of firewood blocking my view. Necessary, but ugly. :)

  7. Oh, gosh, Connie! Now you're going to make me take a look out my own doors - and I have more than just a grill to move! It is amazing how much of a difference just that one move made with your view. It's interesting how we can look at something for years and not really see it.

  8. Isn't that funny, I thought you meant the criss-cross effect on the glass doors!


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