
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Checking In

I realized earlier today that it's been a while since I wrote anything here.  It's not that I have less to say ... quite the opposite, actually.  There is lots to tell you about, with our Greyhounds Rock Fredericksburg fundraiser gathering next month, and stuff happening around the house ... I just haven't had as much time as usual to be on the computer.

My last two days have been spent cutting and sewing martingale collars to restock the Greyhounds Rock booth for two shows we are doing this weekend.  Working two shows on the same day means that we have to split our stock, and I have to make more collars than I usually do. 

Alice was with me for company for a while as I worked.


I'm still not finished.  Though I wanted to do other things tomorrow, I will spend at least half of the day continuing to sew. 

Each collar we sell is $20 more donated to the cause ... with the goal to one day find effective treatments (and eventually a cure) for canine cancer ... this keeps me motivated.

For those of you who are local, you can find Greyhounds Rock at Fredericksburg's Downtown Dog Fair on Saturday, and at the Fredericksburg Wine Festival on Saturday and Sunday.

Edited on Friday morning to add:

Ms. Alice got a bit too involved with the process of cutting strips of iron-on adhesive this morning.  She swished her plume of a tail across the path of my rotary cutter ... lost a puff of tail fur in the encounter.  I shooed her down off the table after this.

Anyway ... I have to back to sewing now.