
Friday, October 26, 2012

Battening the Hatches

Hurricane Sandy is coming.  The weatherfolks on TV and radio are warning that we can expect damaging winds and heavy rain Sunday night and into late Monday or early Tuesday. 

Hartwood is right in the center of the cone of probability on this diagram, just south of Washington, DC.

Tomorrow, I will finish putting away any items outside that can be picked up and damaged by the wind.  We are used to dealing with life in the dark after storms ... at least it's not air-conditioning season, so the house will stay comfortable.  Our generators are on the ready, and we will have power for our well pump, refrigeration, and a few lights and the DVD player. 
We will prepare whatever we can to the best of our ability.  It's the things that we cannot prepare for that worry me.  I pray that this storm spares our trees.
Edited on Saturday morning .... as of this morning's predictions, it looks as if the track of this storm is going to be a bit more toward the north, and we are now on the southern end of its projected path. 
I am still going to spend today securing things outside and preparing to be without power.  (We were dark for 5 days in July with the Derecho storm.)  Please keep the folks in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, and New England in your prayers.


  1. Wishing you all the best over your way! I think we are far enough inland that we will be fine. *crosses fingers and toes* Just batten down the hatches and hang on!

  2. Living in Florida all of my adult life I know exactly what you're going through. Praying for minimal damage if any. Stay safe and keep us posted if you can.

  3. My prayers are with you, and all others in the path of this storm, Connie. Having grown up on the Gulf Coast, I know the kind of issues you have in store. Blessings that this will also be found to be over preparation and not as damaging as feared.

  4. Hang on tight, Connie. Our thoughts will be with you and yours.

    My friend Jenny, not far from you, is making pot roast. :-)


  5. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, Connie. Batten down and be safe!

  6. Stay safe down there - we are watching this VERY carefully. Looks like we might be in for a direct hit. Here's hoping it doesn't come straight up the Bay. Brian and I will be spending tomorrow bringing in the deck furniture and all my big trees (I have 4 huge fig trees that live on the deck in the summer and in my house in the winter). Let me know how you guy make out!! Good Luck!

  7. I'm right there with you, stay safe and I hope your trees hang in there!


  8. Ai yi yi, what's a girl to do?

    Tomorrow we batten down our hatches.

    Hoping all this prep will make the storm, storm go away.

    Hang tight.

    xoxo jane

  9. We'll be doing the same. Can't afford for any more trees to come down!! We may need to reschedule lunch Tuesday ...

  10. My prayers are with you and all in her path. Batten down and stay safe.

  11. I was thinking of you and the other bloggers I follow on the North American East Coast when I read about the storm heading that way. I do hope your trees stay put through the storm - and that the storm turns out to be much weaker than the predictions currently indicate.

    *fingers crossed*

  12. Hi Connie, Hope all your trees come through the storm! I always worry about the trees, it's so sad when the big ones come down.

  13. Anne, I worry about the trees, too ... knowing full well what the effect is when the big ones go down. The good news is that our pecan tree (that I love almost as much as I love my kids) is almost leafless and is well prepared to withstand wind. Thanks for the good wishes.

  14. We just got back from vacay in NC and are making sure we have enough food etc here in Richmond too! I'm hoping it won't be too cold if we loose power! I hope your place is spared as well!

  15. --absolUtely praying for you to remain sAfe! For EVERyone to be safe!

  16. Take care. I hope you - and your trees - stay safe.

  17. stay safe...will keep you all in my prayers...

  18. My thoughts and prayers are with you right now. I pray for God's safety for you and those around you in the days to come and that you won't have to evacuate. Be safe!!

  19. We're supposed to get 50mph winds here in MI from Sandy, Connie. I can't even imagine hurricane force winds.....

    Praying for God to plant a hedge of protection around you, Connie. Know that there are prayer warriors out here lifting you up daily!

    xoxo laurie

  20. Connie - I've been thinking about you. How have you weathered the storm? Has it passed by you yet or still in the brunt of it? Such a huge storm, we are even experiencing it here in Ohio with expected winds today of 50-60mph. While traveling yesterday, we say caravans of electic company trucks heading somewhere to help those who will need assistance. My sister said she saw a convoy of at least 30 trucks. Hope you are well.


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