
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Snapshot ... Breakfast ... and an iPad Question

On Sundays, I like to sit down to a better-than-average breakfast. This morning, I made my own 'country' version of Eggs Benedict ... Two scrambled eggs on an English muffin, topped with creamed chipped beef. (It's not the healthiest breakfast, but I like it and it's fine as an occasional treat.)

I took the photo of breakfast with my new iPad.  I wanted to produce this post entirely from my iPad, but I discovered that the Blogger web interface won't give me a button to upload photos. (so I emailed the photo to myself and now I'm doing this on my laptop.)  I had hoped to use the iPad to blog and share photos of our vacation later this month.  Do any of you blog using an iPad, or do you know someone who does?  Is there an 'app for that' that you recommend?

The weatherman is predicting storms for this afternoon, which should signal the end of this awful heat wave. It's another thing to be thankful for.

Happy Sunday, Everyone!


  1. Oh gosh, I haven't had chipped beef in FOREVER.

    I don't use my iPad for blogging or much of anything besides browsing, reading, and Emailing. It just doesn't seem well suited for that.

  2. Mmmmmm.... Loooks so good.
    As for the iPad, I have had so many problems trying to work on blogger that I vowed to never try again. Most recently, I accidentally deleted an entire post . It is ridiculously easy to do that on the iPad- I didn't even know it was selected for deletion until it disappeared. Way too easy and touchy. I will stick with my desktop at least for now. Btw, with some help from a techie person, I was able to restore the post. What a relief. Happy blogging!

  3. This morning, with no apologies: grits, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, jam, gravy, sliced tomato, OJ, coffee.

    On, a French white ironstone plate with handpainted blue flowers/bugs, linen napkin, numerous mismatched silver spoons, forks.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  4. Nope... Denise is right. iPad is not well suited for posting to your blog. I use it for commenting once in a while but my posts are done from my iMac.

    I LOVE chipped beef on toast and haven't had any in a few years. Just love it!!

  5. I LOVE a hearty breakfast on Sunday morning. I don't do it every Sunday tho. If I have a nice big breakie, I don't eat lunch.

    You could take the photos with your IPad, take your laptop with you, and download the photos to the laptop and blog from there....


  6. I love a good Sunday breakfast, just right for a nice relaxing day! I don't have an IPad but hope someone can help you!!! hugs, Linda

  7. Yum...that does sound good. I had scrambled eggs and multi grain toast with coffee. I don't use my ipad for anything like posting. I have an app on my iphone for my own blog but I don't have an app on my ipad for my blog and not sure it is possible to have it there. I could be wrong but not sure. Have a great day!~Hugs, Patti

  8. Looks like a yummy breakfast, I haven't had chipped beef on toast in a very long time!

    I'm clueless about blogging and iPads...sorry! I would love one to use to show pictures to prospective clients though!

    Let's hope we get a little rain this afternoon, I know you've been sweltering just like us!


  9. I remember when we used to do the big weekend breakfasts. Now I only do them for dinner. Yours looks great!

  10. Oh that looks so great! Thanks for the idea for a meal...perhaps breakfast as supper. Dave and I used to love eating breakfast for supper.

  11. S#@T on a shingle they once called it in the military..haha
    As for the iPad, I also tried to blog with mine but gave up. No app that I know of?
    Do a post on it if you figure it out ok....

  12. I have not had chipped beef in about 110 years! lol I used to love it over toast points when I was a kid.

    I hope you get some rain-we need some desperately, too. xo Diana

  13. I don't have an ipad, but I do occasionally blog from my iphone, and it is a pain. On the iphone there is a button on the bottom left of the screen to add a photo or take a picture. The problem is you can't do much with the picture, it just shows up at the bottom of your post, and if you want to use multiples, you can't choose the just puts them where ever it pleases. You also cannot edit the html, so there really isn't a work around.

    The best solution might be to open blogger in safari on your ipad instead of using the app.

  14. No luck here with any ipad blogging. It's just too tedious.

    Breakfast looks delicious.


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