
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back in the Saddle

It's been a while since I scored a thrift store bargain ... haven't had the time or inclination (or the space) to do much shopping recently.  While I was out and about earlier today, I decided to make a quick cruise past my favorite thrift store ... and struck gold.

Two chairs, perfect size, AND with matching ottomans on casters!

I flipped these babies upside down and inspected each of them thoroughly.  There's no brand label that I could find, but they're sturdy and comfortable and in really good condition.  I also sniffed them all over to see if there was any tell-tale stinkiness.  Finding none, I practically skipped all the way to the cashier to pay for them.

I have been looking for a matched pair of club chairs for a while now.  I figured I'd come up with ottomans later, as I thought that any chairs I found at a decent price CERTAINLY wouldn't come with ottomans.  Patience pays off, and this set is perfect!!! 

Next ... I have to clear my sewing room out enough so I have room to work on the slipcovers.


  1. You are back in the groove! Love those chairs with matching ottomans. They look comfy! Can't wait to see them with new slipcovers! hugs, Linda

  2. Love junking but several of my rooms now NEED very specific things in EXACT sizes.

    More expensive as I finish a room.

    Feel sorry for meth users. Their high couldn't have been as good as yours finding this pair.

    Garden & Be Well, XO T

  3. They look great, but I can't wait to see you work your magic on them!

  4. Those are looking GREAT and I can't wait to see them recovered. I love them! xo Diana

  5. Wooo hoo! What a great find! Are you going to do the dropcloth technique on them....? :)

    xoxo laurie

  6. I AM leaning toward slipcovering them with dropcloth ... mainly because I'm pretty sure that I already have enough of them on hand to do it, and it makes the job feel like it's almost free. :)

  7. Score! Congrats on your find! And you'll always remember when you bought them--during the Olympics, right?

  8. Drop cloths all the way Baby!!!!!

    I have chairs like these (thrift shop find) and they are super comfortable. You will make them beautiful, I'm sure.

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  9. There is nothing better than a pair of club chairs with ottomans! Recliners don't hold a candle to those comfy chairs! Great find!

  10. What a fantastic find! I'm looking forward to seeing them slipcovered. I have some like yours that I bought new and they came with slipcovers only I just have one ottoman. Anyway, it's always fun to follow your projects.

  11. Nice find! I hope you post when you do the slipcovers. I've always been intimidated by the task and admire those that tackle making them.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  12. wow what a deal! have fun covering them and don't forget to post pix


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