
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Snapshot ... As Seen Through the Kitchen Window

I don't think I've shown you this view before.  Usually when I show views toward the backyard, I focus on the left side ... where the pavilion and rambler fence are.  (like the view in THIS post)  I was standing at the kitchen window earlier this morning, realizing that this area needs some TLC.

This is my messy work area ... the place we all have where gettings things done takes precedence over esthetics.  Judging by how it looks right now, I think I have to do something to strike a better balance.

Here's what I see in this photo:

1.  The inside of the greenhouse is an ever-lovin' mess.  I already took out most of the roses, but supplies and tools and pots are all over the place. 

2.  There are more pots piled behind the greenhouse.  I have pots other places, too.  I doubt I need this many pots, but I'm hesitant to get rid of them ... just in case.  It's thinking like this that is contributing to the chaos.

3.  I have to do something with this stack of pallets.  They used to be lined up beside the fence with pots on them.  I don't need them there anymore (more on this in a minute).  If I use them for something else, I have to clean them up.  If not, do I just get rid of them?  I'm still deciding.

4.  This small stack of siding needs to go back to the barn.  I was going to use it on the greenhouse, but I changed my mind and will use something else instead. 

5.  This spot on the fence was once my tomato patch.  Now, it's a dumping ground full of cobblestones, fence posts, bricks, landscape edging, and other hardscape supplies.  I need all this stuff, and I have to have a place to put it until I use it, but this is definitely NOT the place.

6.  The area beside the fence will be soon be another rose border.  I moved the pallets from this spot, measured off a 6-foot deep swath, and sprayed it with herbicide.  As soon as the grass and weeds in this spot are dead, I will install edging (from the pile in Item #5) and plant some roses from my pot village.  Eventually, I will continue down the fence preparing the ground, finding new homes for items stashed there and enlarging the border till it reaches all the way down the fence behind garage ... 160 feet in all!

This is going to take a while.


  1. Yes, but it's still a pretty photograph. :-))

  2. I just love that potting shed! My suggestion is to put the pallets on CL and get rid of them! You can always find one if you need it :) - Susan

  3. It is not that big of a mess, Connie. I mean you certainly aren't in line for the Hoarders show. lol What a great view out the kitchen window. I love it-xo Diana

  4. It is a lovely picture. Very dreamy and relaxing.


  5. That is one of the tidiest of all messes that I've ever seen photographed.

  6. Whew! I am tired just reading your list. We have an area around the back that looks similar to yours. My husband cleared it out a couple of months ago to install some raised bed vegetable planters but I can see stuff accumulating again already. Your home and blog are gorgeous. I am your newest follower. Patty

  7. Now see when you look at this photo you see all this work....when I look at it I see a lovely photo of a place to enjoy your roses! In the eye of the beholder! Hugs, Linda

  8. Every gardener has pots...they're like hangers and socks for those of other interest. Love the Greenhouse!

  9. What you are calling chaos looks very well organized. Chaos, in my book, is where you can't find anything. I wouldn't get rid of the pots and pallets... you never know. It's not like you don't have plenty of room for them.

    Love the way the sun is hitting!

  10. Look at it this way... with the size of your garden your messes look quite small. On my small lot, even a stack of pots looks gargantuan so my messes look far more unwieldy than yours. :-)

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

    P.S. I have a stack of pallets too. And they never seem to find their way to where they were headed in the first place when they took up residence.

  11. I just see a very pretty area, something you built yourself that is amazing... love the line of the fence against the lines of the buildings...and the shade versus sunlight. It's all good :-)

  12. This was playing 'I Spy With My Little Eye'

    I think it looks loved and the sweet picket fence!

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  13. Sure looked like an organized mess to me...I only wish my "little messes" looked that good...I will get right to work on mine...ok, not right away! Have a wonderful day outside today!!! donna :)

  14. Take your time. You will get there.
    I also think it is a lovely picture. Maybe up close it would bother you, but from this angle it is not too bad.

  15. i know how you feel....pots pots and more pots. We need them near by but it drives me crazy when they are everywhere!
    It looks pretty good in your photo though. I'm a little too shy to show mine.


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