
Thursday, June 21, 2012

June is for Roses

Lots going on here, but little of it is interesting enough to warrant mentioning here.  Over on the Hartwood Roses Facebook page, I have been posting a rose photo every day or so ... because June is National Rose Month.  Many of you may not follow on FB, so I'll give you a taste of what's been happening over there.  (If you want to follow Hartwood Roses on Facebook, the link is to your right on the sidebar.)

The name under each photo is a link which will take you to that rose's description page on Help Me Find.

Our first real taste of summer heat and humidity arrived a couple of days ago, following a cool day of rain and a line of storms.  The rain loosened the soil enough for me to get out for the past two mornings and make progress in the war on weeds in the rose field.  I go outside at about 7am, work for a couple of hours or so, then come inside to the air conditioning to get things done inside the house.  I imagine this will be my consistent summer routine.

While I'm outside working, I'm surrounded by the summer roses ... and it makes me happy.  Freeing the roses from the grips of their weedy captivity makes me even happier.


  1. Hi Connie! I will be outside tomorrow morning at 6 am. Gardens are full of weeds, but it's one of my happiest chores, I call it my therapy, and I need it alot these days! Stay cool! :) donna

  2. I don't do Facebook, but I think Buff Beauty is my favorite of these.

    It's already too hot for me, I'm a wimp.

  3. I had to start doing Facebook years ago, when I was helping plan one of my high school reunions. It is incredibly useful for finding old friends and keeping up with distant relatives.

    I like FB for nursery stuff because I can post one notice or photo, and folks can choose whether or not to look at what I'm posting.

  4. Amazing colors and blooms! Flowers always make us happy!

  5. I'm in love with Buff Beauty. I generally like a red rose, but Buff is perfect in every way.

  6. Lovely pictures! Is Indigo a good rose for you?

  7. Feels great to see those weeds dying doesn't it. ....this heat will help. Now where's my round up.
    Gorgeous roses btw.


  8. To answer your question, Indigo is really good for me. Its growth habit is a bit like Apothecary's Rose, staying fairly short and suckering with wild abandon. Indigo reblooms really well, and I love the way the violet color tends to blue as the flowers age.

  9. Can you hear my repeated gasps?

    One more beautiful than the next and I'm guessing as good for my garden as for yours?

    I see a road trip in the future.

    xo jane

  10. I love that Henry Kelsey one and Mrs. Wakefield Christie-Miller!
    I have one trellis rose I ordered from the Thomas Jefferson Monticello store a few years ago. I'm trying to locate the tag because I don't remember it's name!

  11. The Beautiful Roses of June! Thanks for all the lovely photos! hugs, Linda

  12. oooh, I love the Perle....

    And we've got the heat and humidity, no line of rain storms, but we need them!

  13. Surrounded by these beauties, it would be hard to call it work.

  14. Can I just live surrounded by every rose in existence??
    Every one of them is FABulous!

  15. Ooooo! I have to say that Buff Beauty is my favorite of the collection you've featured. There's something about its color and bloom structure that I really love.

    I have to do my weeding in snippets too, except mine are in the evening before the sun goes down because early morning would be in full sun and too hot for me.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  16. Connie- your rose photos are breathtaking-- you always show the most beautiful flowers!! This is certainly a busy time of year for you-- I enjoy seeing them so much!! Beautiful beautiful roses!

  17. Stunning blooms. Love Prosperity and many others pictured here...


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