
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Preparing for Garden Guests

On Sunday morning, shortly before my visitors were to arrive for the Open Garden, we found this guy slithering across the driveway near the nursery roses.

See him?

This Black Rat Snake is a welcome addition to the outdoor cast of critters around here, since he is always on the prowl for vermin that may find their way into the house.  He is NOT, however, welcome to be out in the open during the times when visitors are expected.

There's only one thing to do when confronted with a large, harmless-but-scary snake that must be moved ... so I grabbed and moved it.  I couldn't leave him for guests to see, because folks like me who aren't afraid of snakes are definitely a small percentage of the population.  While I was doing this, my daughter made me stop so she could get a photo of her mom wrangling the snake, to post it on her Facebook page.

(I didn't crop my head out of this photo, she did.  It IS a photo of the snake, after all.)
... and the Washington Capitals T-shirt was one of my Mother's Day presents. 

With photos taken, I deposited the snake safely into an area of the garden where visitors don't go, and I got back to work.

My husband says that Steve Irwin (The Crocodile Hunter) and I would have gotten along famously. 

Sharing this post with 'A Rural Journal's' Rural Thursday.