
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

White Wisteria

I know a place in Albemarle County, a little over an hour from here, where there is an old house with white wisteria naturalized over huge boxwood bushes and through the trees.

Yesterday, I took my mother with me as I went there (camera in hand) to show her this beautiful sight.

When Mom and I got out of the car, the fragrance of the wisteria was overpowering and wonderful ... as the scent wafted on the breeze around us

I wish the light had been a bit different, because it was very difficult to get a decent photo of the wisteria growing up the chimney and across the roof of the old house.  The sun was shining right in my face, and I had to shade the camera with my hand.  Perhaps I'll be out that way again, in the morning next time, to see if I can do better.

I may have had my rose rustling kit in the car with us, and a handful of cuttings of wisteria could have come home with me. I'm used to finding layered starts of wisteria in naturalized settings like this, but there were none in this case.  Wisteria roots pretty easily, so I hope to have wisteria babies to share later in the year.

I grew purple wisteria at our former house, and I loved it.  It was a small sucker that I dug from a naturalized stand of wisteria that no longer exists, and I planted it below my deck.  As it grew, I wove the vines basketweave-style through the deck railing.  Eventually, the wisteria woven that way destroyed the balusters of the railing ... but the vines were strong enough at that point to provide structural support, and THEY were the actual railing.  Sitting out there felt like being in a tree house.

As Mom and I were on our way home, the inside of my car smelled heavenly!


  1. I posted pics of the purple wisteria from our Sunday visit to family cemetery in the country on my blog! Was as bloomed out and all over as I have ever seen! Beautiful!

  2. So jealous that you are already cutting flowers!!! Beautiful photos & I adore wisteria. Unfortunately it is too cold here to grow it...


  3. I love that kind of thing! Did you go in the old house or was it too dangerous?

  4. That Wisteria is gorgeous. I think your photos are lovely. I hope it roots for you! Hugs, Linda

  5. How pretty! I've never seen the white :)

  6. I took lots of photos yesterday... wrong time of the day and they didn't come out as I had planned. Mornings and evenings are the best time for floral shots and I should have known better. :-)) Bet that house was awesome to see!

  7. White wisteria! Wow -- that's something I have rarely seen. Good luck propagating it. I think your pictures turned out dreamy and mystical. there, how's that for support? :-)

  8. You plant rustler you! Good for you- I hope it grows. It is just beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen white wisteria. It is heavenly! xo Diana

  9. I don't think I've ever seen white wisteria?

  10. Wow, white wisteria! I see a side branch to the rose nursery starting because I, for one, might covet an offspring of one of the mythical cuttings you likely did not take.

  11. That white is amazing! My purple is just on it's way out of bloom, and it filled the entire pool area with it's sweet fragrance. Glad you told us it roots easy; I will have to try some to start it for our farm with the log cabin on it.

  12. Oh, this is beautiful! I've never been brave enough to plant wisteria before, but this would be too beautiful to pass up.

  13. So beautiful to see the flowers growing all over that old house. The branches from mine hang down to the ground and then root themselves and grow some more!! I can see why they would create their own railing.
    I have two purple wisteria trees out in front of our place. You're right...the fragrance is wonderful. I'm glad, though, that they are far from the house as the bees absolutely love them, too!!

  14. This is so beautiful, Connie. I don't think I have seen white wisteria before. I hope the cuttings do well.

  15. I love white wisteria!!! It smells heavenly, and I would love a plant if you get it going. I have an arbor at my house that has American Wisteria, Amethyst smell, but showy blooms all season. AT my old house, I had a Chinese on one side and a Japanese on the other side of a shed, I'm sure it has taken the shed down by now, but what a sight in the spring. :) donna

  16. Wow! I've never seen such beautiful vines of white wisteria. I have purple growing up over arched lattice panels and over the pergola-porch swing that are really pretty, but, oh how I wish I had some white ones too!

  17. I Love Wysteria... is there a better smelling plant? Perhaps lilac or honeysuckle. Ah, but I'm speaking to a rose grower :-)

    I'd like to find a spot at this old house for some....

  18. Hi Connie- your photos are stunning! We have a white wisteria that has not bloomed for several years-- this year it is magnificent!! This must be THE spring for beautiful blooms--- my entire yard is fragrant from the blooms.

    I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  19. I love wisteria, but because it is so invasive I never grow it! We do love seeing it, especially growing up the trees along side the highway... wish I could smell it though! What a wonderful place to have visited... happy Easter! - Susan

  20. Wisteria is one of my favorite plants to see in other people's gardens.

  21. Wow, I've never seen white wisteria! We had it at our last house, but it was the purple variety and I loved it, even if it did require a heavy hand at keeping it under control! And although I love that white wisteria...I'm truly in love with that old house!!!



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