
Friday, April 27, 2012

My Yellow Seedling

Four years ago, I plucked a rose hip from my neighbor's 'Peace' rose.  One of the roses that I grew from the seeds in that hip has turned out to be a superstar in the garden. 

Who would have guessed that a child of 'Peace' would be extremely resistant to disease and bloom profusely throughout the season?  The flowers are three inches across.  They are a soft medium yellow when they open, and they fade only slightly as they age.  I can even detect a bit of fragrance!

Now that this bush has some size (it's about 3 feet high and 4 feet wide) I am going to make a concerted effort to root cuttings this summer to test its performance in other gardens.  If all goes well, it will be so cool to have a rose on the market that I actually bred myself!

Look out, Knock Out ... the yellow seedling is breathing down your neck.


  1. Love, love, love that rose, and when I saw it last year, remember I stopped dead in my tracks and asked you what it was....I will definitely BUY!!!! :)

  2. Oh MY! It IS beautiful! I think I might want that one! So make sure we know when it is ready to be in a new home!

  3. I have a spot saved in a very testing climate; as one of the K-State horticulturists says; "the reason all the seed companies vie to participate in the Kansas trials is that if it will grow here, it will grow anywhere."

  4. RPN would be most happy to test that gorgeous seedling with a no chemical support zone 8b! Toast to Hartwood Roses for a rising star!


  5. I have always loved yellow roses and this one is just stunning in its soft perfection.

  6. It's beautiful! Love that soft yellow. Hope you can get this one growing so you can sell it. Hugs, Linda

  7. Now wouldn't that be something??!! It is a beauty!~Patti

  8. Connie, Love this rose. Such a beautiful color. You need to give the knockout a run for its money.....

  9. Connie- That is a gorgeous rose! I love a pale yellow rose-it is like a spot of sweet sunshine in the garden. xo Diana

  10. Beautiful! Yellow roses are my favorite. Years ago at our old house, I had a beautiful yellow rose that had huge blooms and would grow up over the eaves of the house if I didn't keep it trimmed back. I wish I remembered the name of it as I would have loved to have another one like it but it was a gift and I didn't think about it :/

  11. How very exciting! It is a beautiful rose, I love the delicate colour. I'm very impressed.

  12. Good for you. I look forward to seeing more.

  13. That's awesome that you grew a rose from seed! You'll have to think of a name now. Love your blog.

  14. Put me on the list of people who HAVE TO HAVE that rose. I love it!

  15. Connie- this yellow rose is fabulous- I love yellow roses- they are so rare I think. I long to have one--


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