
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Flowers in the Greenhouse

I'm anxious to get out to the garden to photograph the few early roses that are blooming now ... but it's been really windy and the flowers don't stay still to be photographed.  Windy conditions are NOT a problem in the greenhouse.

Here are a few of the roses that are blooming in there as of this morning.





I used my finger for perspective to show you how small this flower is.

With some of the roses, these flowers they have now are the first ones I've seen ... and it's really exciting.

This is 'Double Blush Burnet'.  I identified this rose from photos sent by a reader.  She found it in the overgrown garden of her grandparents' homestead in Minnesota.  I am thrilled that she shared some suckers of it with me. 

This next rose has a similar story, but we don't know its identity.  It came to me from a rose friend in Montana, and she got it from an elderly neighbor named Hallie ... she calls it "Hallie's Rose".  It is a vigorous once-blooming rose that I will plant in the Labyrinth Garden, and I will think of Deb every time I see it.

I have no idea what this next rose is.  It's one I bought, but I don't remember where or when, and the writing on that tag is completely faded away.  One day I'll figure out what it is.  In the meantime, these flowers are beautiful, and they smell heavenly!

I don't know what these next two roses are either.  They have tags, but the tags are obviously wrong.

This is supposed to be 'Alice', a pink Polyantha.

... and this is supposed to be 'Shower of Gold', a yellow rambler.

I can't do anything about the first mis-tagged rose, because the nursery where I got it doesn't exist anymore ... and it's really rare and not available anywhere else.  I will contact the nursery where I got the second one and let them know about their mistake.  A reputable nursery will send the correct rose, no questions asked  ... I've had to do it for customers myself on two occasions that I can think of.


  1. If I lived in your area, I wouldn't know where to stop. I would have to buy at least one. I love the roses that you have shown. Just beautiful.


  2. If you could visit, Lisa, you'd be safe. All of the roses I showed today are my own roses that I wintered over in the greenhouse ... they aren't the ones I have for sale ... yet. :)

  3. OMGOSH, Connie- I am SOOOO jealous.
    What eye candy...and I am sure it is NOSE candy, too, and I'm not talking cocaine here! Beautiful~ xo Diana

  4. oh I love that Cotton Candy rose!! so pretty - thanks for sharing them all (and I'm so envious of your beautiful greenhouse!)

  5. I love the Cotton Candy Rose too.


  6. How exciting to see the beautiful rose blooms! I am always anxious to see my roses when they start to bloom each year!~Patti

  7. They are all so beautiful. I especially like the one that you can't identify that kind of resembles a poppy.

  8. Oh how lovely this post is, we had another foot of snow yesterday and a cold cloudy day today. My roses seem a long way off. Thank you.

  9. Oh these are so pretty! I do love that Green Ice! hugs, Linda

  10. Nice to see some pictures of roses in bloom when I'm spending my weekend preparing for just that... I will have to wait a while before I can enjoy my new roses (that's a lie; I enjoyed them from the moment the package of bare-root roses arrived in the mail!).

    Thank you for sharing!

  11. oooh, that Mike's old fashioned Pink is beautiful!.....

  12. Oh sure...the minute I pull out of the driveway and go home, all the roses bloom!!! Not I just have to come back.

    My fave is Hallie's Rose....STUNNING!!

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  13. PS...the photo of the roses against the greenhouse window is now my screensaver...thank you!

    janet xox

  14. I love the miniature, pink ribbon, so sweet...and I too love the picture of the roses against the greenhouse window, they are looking outside wondering where they are going to be planted. :) donna

  15. Hallie's Rose is awesome. Seems like just yesterday you completed the greenhouse, and I'm sooooo happy to see it filling with your wonderful roses already. Just perfect!

  16. They are all beautiful - I can almost smell them...

  17. Oh your roses are so beautiful and I love how they look in the greenhouse windows. Now I am going to look through them and see if I have a favorite:-)

  18. Lovely photos of your roses. Such beauties! They look like they're wanting to come out and play!

  19. With all the blooms turned toward the window, it seems they are beckoning to come outside and play.. Love Mike's Old Fashioned Pink...

  20. Beautiful roses!!! I am so happy that the cuttings I sent you are growing, and flowering already!!

    It just snowed here last night, so I have to wait some time yet before mine will bloom!

  21. Connie, these are all so very beautiful!! You are such a great rose photographer.

    Are you on Facebook? If so check out Celebration of Old Roses- it's a page that I administrate about the event we hold each year. People from all over are uploading photos of old roses-- it's really fun. Would love it if you contributed something.

    Would love to visit your garden and greenhouse!

  22. I LOVED the picture of the roses through the glass! My favorite rose is the Cotton Candy rose...reminds me of a peony.


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