
Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Dreamy Little Garden Building

There is a farmhouse on Route 17, about 10 minutes north of here in Morrisville.  Whenever I have to wait at that traffic light, I always take a second to admire a beautifully proportioned little lattice structure behind the house.  Yesterday, I pulled my camera from my purse and snapped this photo.

The photo is blurry, probably because I had the lens zoomed as far as it would go, and I had to hurry because the traffic light turned green.  I think it looks a lot like a dreamy watercolor painting. 

One day, I will find a place for a building like this at our place.  When I do, I will stop and introduce myself to the family who lives in the farmhouse, and I will photograph and measure their beautiful little lattice house.

Isn't it perfect?


  1. Very pretty and it makes me wonder about who designed it and why someone decided to have it built in that spot. I am very curious about the history.


  2. It IS a beauty, I agree, and would look perfect in the middle of flowerbeds.

  3. Very pretty even if it is blurry. Looks like someone has created their own little quiet place and it looks serene surrounded by such greenery.

  4. Don't you just love that? It is just darling and would be fun to have one of your very own. xo Diana

  5. It is very pretty, and the blurry effect makes it seem more enchanting somehow.

  6. Hubby is putting down mulch at our place and mentioned a gazebo or lattice structure. I think he's sprucing things up in anticipation of selling this place when he retires.

  7. I love that little tea house; very understated and somehow elegant.

    (Though I don't think our garden is big enough to warrant such a structure; a) there is never too far to the house to seek shelter from the rain and b) I'd rather use those square meters for plants.)

  8. So charming! Wish my yard had a place for such a structure...still I'm happy with my screened porch and deck. Hugs, Linda

  9. I have always admired that little garden house, for the last 30 years as a matter of fact, use to be on my commute home every day. You need one at your house, perfect spot to linger in the shade with a tall glass of lemonade after a long day in the garden! God still has the sprinklers turned roses are happy!!!

  10. This is just the kind of place to love. Little treasures tucked away for enjoyment.♥

  11. OMG, It IS perfect. Love your photo. I'm in need of landscape photos for watercolor class and in need of a relaxing road trip. I think visiting this site would perfectly satisfy both. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I would go that way just to see it!

  13. Yes on both counts...beautiful structure and beautiful photo.


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